49in Span Electric Sports Model 4/500w Motors & 4-6 Channel RC Equipment.
Designed by: Stan Yeo
Produced by: Phoenix Model Products
The Pepperpot is a 4/5 channel stylish
electric power sports aerobatic model that
has a spritely performance. With a typical
4/500w 3542 1250Kv motor and using 3S
22/2700mA LiPos the Pepperpot. it is both a
delight to fly and build. It will attract
complements on both fronts. The all wood
easy build construction follows the now well
proven path of other models in our range in
that it incorporates a fully sheeted built-up
wing with a selection of cut parts and
accessories. The optional flaps are an
added bonus for those who like to play with
different control setups
Radio Equipment Required
The recommended radio equipment
required for the Pepperpot is two metal
geared micro servos i.e. Hitec HS82MG or
the Ripmax New Power XL16HM or
XL17HMB for the Ailerons/Flaps plus two
standard size servos for the Rudder &
Elevator with a 4/6 channel receiver. For
Flapperon operation a 6ch transmitter and
6ch receiver is required.
Electrical Power Train
The Pepperpot requires a 3536/42
Brushless Motor rated at 400-500w and
1000 – 1300 Kv. A 50/60A Speed Controller
(ESC) and a 2200 3S LiPo. The prototype
used a 3542 1250Kv motor with a 60A ESC.
9x6in APCE propeller and a 2200mAhr 3S
30C LiPo. With this set-up the Pepperpot is
more than adequately powered with typically
flight duration of up to10 minutes. If you use
a different specification motor or a 4S
battery then a different size propeller should
be used and be aware this could have an
impact on the balance point. If you are
unfamiliar with model electrics then please
read the articles on our website
Tools / Materials Required
The tools required to build the Pepperpot
are a modelling knife with spare blades, a
2ft /1 Metre Straight Edge, a miniature David
Plane, 180 grade Wet & Dry sanding block
and soldering iron. The glues used to build
the model are white PVA wood glue, thin
Superglue (please observe safety
precautions) and a very small quantity of
two part epoxy. We recommend using a
polyester heat shrink film for covering such
as Oracover/Profilm or the thinner more
economic version Easycoat.
Please Note: PVA is the recommended glue
for nearly ALL wood joints, particularly when
building the wing. Also for maximum glue
joint strength we recommend lightly sanding
laser cut edges before gluing.
Building the Fuselage
1. Lightly sand the ply fuselage doublers
with 180 grade wet and dry to remove
the 'release' agent. Remove dust with a
small brush or vacuum cleaner.
2. Using a
based contact adhesive
such as Uhu or EvoStik glue the ply
nose doublers in position ensuring there
is a left and right side. Motor side thrust
and down thrust is built in consequently
the right side is shorter than the left!!!
3. Mark out the position of formers F2, F3
and F4 on the inside of the fuselage
sides ensuring there is a left and right
side (they are marked!).
4. Cut slot for Rudder and Elevator cable
exits as indicated on plan (Both
underneath Tailplane).
5. Lightly sand edges of fuselage side to
prepare gluing surface to receive top
and bottom sheet.