Philips Domestic Appliances and Personal Care
Published by Philips Domestic Appliances and Personal Care
Printed in the Netherlands
© Copyright reserved
Subject to modification
HR 1700 HR 1710
HR 1701 HR 1714
HR 1704
HR 1707
Service Manual 4822 729 22112 is herewith cancelled
HR 1700 = 1-speed blender - TWIST
HR 1701 = HR 1700 + HR 2945
HR 1704 = HR 1700 + HR 2938
HR 1707 = HR 1700 + HR 2938 + HR 2945
HR 1710 = 2-speed blender - TWIST
HR 1714 = HR 1710 + HR 2938
HR 2938 = Fruit mill
HR 2945 = Mill
Motor power
: 250 W - /AB - /AI
: 110-120 V / 50-60 Hz
220-230 V / 50-60 Hz
230-240 V / 50-60 Hz
Version :
/AB = made in Brazil
/AC = made in China
= made in Indonesia
Speed HR 1700
: 1 speed
- 18.000 to 21.000 rpm
HR 1710
: speed 2 - 18.000 to 21.000 rpm
speed 1 - 14.000 to 15.000 rpm
Blender jar capacity : 1.0 effective with non-detachable knife
Dimensions f-box
HR 1700/01/10
: 292 x 192 x 225 mm
HR 1704/07/14
: 323 x 192 x 225 mm
Accessoires : HR 2938 = Fruit
HR 2945 = Mill
Capacity cup : 200 ml effective
4322 277 00602
This product meets the requirements regard-
ing interference suppression on radio and TV.
After the product has been repaired, it should
function properly and has to meet the safety
requirements as offi cially laid down at this
If a motor in the /AC version needs to be replaced use always
motor item 8 and a new turbine coupling item 3 of the /AB
Safety Mill HR 2945
Assemble the mill (bowl and knife unit) before it can be
assembled onto the blender motor unit.