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The SmartInfo feature can be used as a Browser or as an Application. SmartInfo can be set as Switch
On Feature. This means that the TV will start up on the SmartInfo you have created and loaded in TV.
SmartInfo can also be opened using the info button on the RC.
SmartInfo Browser
When [Professional Settings][Features][SmartInfo][Mode] is set to [Browser] the TV will run an
HTML5 capable browser to render your created SmartInfo Pages.
These pages can be used to display information about the installed location. For example you can
display the restaurant’s menu, give the guest an overview of the installed channels on the TV, explain
the hotels’ services and so on.
The easiest way to create SmartInfo pages is through CMND. It can also be done with any HTML5
compliant design tool.
You can adapt the tiles using CMND or manually by editing the SmartInfoBrowserMetaData.xml file
from the SmartInfo files and the related files.
To use the SmartInfo Pages, the content needs to be stored in the clone file in the following location:
The SmartInfo Pages can be hosted on 3 different locations:
The first option is to store your SmartInfo Pages on a USB drive connected to the TV. This
scenario is more likely to be used in a central location like the reception where they need to
change content on a regular basis.
Due to possible theft of the USB drives when connected in guest rooms we wouldn’t
recommend this option for a complete installation.
Second option is to store the content locally on the TV’s flash memory. This is the preferred
option and this can easily be changed using CMND.
Note: always check the maximum file size to keep some free space in the TV’s memory after
configuring the complete TV
The third option would be to use a server setup. This will allow you to host one page for all the
TV’S on the premise.
This option is can be of interest for the following installations:
In case you want to add functionality based on using the JAPIT API
Ease of maintenance, it just requires to change the server page to deploy a new version
of the page towards all the devices
One thing to keep in mind in this scenario is the network. Make sure it can cope with the traffic.
In case there is a loss of network for any reason whatsoever then the TV will not be able to
display the SmartInfo page anymore.