ZoneScape 1-A module documentation
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Controlling the Lights Directly from the App
The ZoneScape App provides a direct control and monitor of the ZoneScape module
relays / Light states. Once the user connects to the
module via Wi-FI and starts the app , the user can
control the zones / lights by directly tapping on the
buttons from the User Interface.
If the user has configured more than one ZoneScape
unit in the App, then to access the second ZoneScape
unit / module and to be able to control / monitor the
state of its Zones / Lights the user needs to slide left in
order to access the second configured unit in the
ZoneScape Application.
Pairing two or more ZoneScape units together
The current design of the ZoneScape module allows for pairing two or more units
together. The process involves accessing the ZoneScape unit web configuration
interface and setting IP addresses, net mask and ports in the respective
configuration web pages.
The maximum number of Paired / Connected ZoneScape units in one subnet is 255.
Example scenario - two ZoneScape units paired to work together.
By default the units are shipped in "WiFi Access Point
mode". The first unit should remain in Wi-Fi AP (Access
point by default) mode and the second unit is to be
configured in WIFI client mode (to connect to the first
unit in AP mode)
The Second unit has to be configured to connect to the
first unit that is in AP mode. The Second unit IP address
should be set in the same network as the first unit . By
doing this the second unit can be accessed via/through
the first unit. The user only needs to connect to the unit
that is in AP mode via his Smartphone and the
ZoneScape application.