Philips DCC170/00 Service Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for DCC170/00


Page 2: ...eëharges statrques ESD Leur longevrte pouÍratt étre consrdérablement ecourtee par le íart qu aucune precautton n est pÍrse a leur manrpulation Lors de reparattons s assurer de bren ètre relie au meme potentrel que la masse de l apparerl et eníiler fe bracetet sertt ct une résrstance cle securtte Verllera ce que les composants arnsi gue tes outrls que l on uttltse sorent egalement a ce pctentrel ou...

Page 3: ...r Compact cassette TrackÍormat Frequency range S Nratio CrOr TERMINALS 20Hz 20kHz 0 5dB 1 5dB 20Hz 22kHz 0 5dB 1 5dB 20Hz 14 5 kHz 0 5dB 1 5dB 90dBormore 90dBormore Quartz crystal precision 4 track2 channel stereo 20Hz 18 kHz 50dBormore Mechanism Head Motor Tape speed GENERAL 36channel thin film head Brushless rnotor 4 76cm sec Dimensions WxHxD Weight incl rechargeablebattery ACCESSORIES 111 6x 38...

Page 4: GND side is connected to the ground side of the power source Whendisconnecting theheadFPCfromtheMechanism P C B installa shorting clipontheFPCtoprotect it frommagnetic orelectrostatic damage r Usea ceramicscrewdriver for all headreplacement andadjustment Keepmagnetizedmetallicscrewdrivers away from the head assembly as they may damagethe head smagnetic properties Ceramicscrewdriver HOZAN D 281 ...

Page 5: ...dure 1 r 2 Socket J802 1 2 3 4 5 Connector 9 JU01 JU02 Removethe 2 FPCboards JU01 JU02 Removea socketof batteryterminalwire J802 Removethe 4 screws O 1 Removethe 2 screws Andthenremove the rearframepanel Openthe intermediate cabinetin the direction of arrow Removethe MAINP C B shifting in thedirection of arrow Removal of the FPC board 1 Pushthe upperportion of connector in the direction of arrow a...

Page 6: ... release the2 mecha hooks andthenremove theintermediate cabinet inthedirection ofarrow rnr 2pcs O M1 4x 2 5 Note Be surenotto hookthe leafSW up the intermediate cabinet ReÍ No 4 Removalof thearmass y Procedure 1 2 3 Armass y Mechacassette guide 1pcs C M1 4x 1 5 2pcs M1 4x2 1 Remove the3 screws e Note Check theprojection ofheadblockholder at isinthe linkangles whenassembling ReÍ No I 5 R movaloÍ th...

Page 7: ...f arrow 2pcs e M1 4x 2 5 ReÍ No 8 Removalof the LCD P C B and the switch P C B ProcedureI 1 2 3 4 5 I 6 8 i LCDP C B 1 Remove the6 screws C SwitchP C B 6pcs O B TfTEI 4 x 2 5 Ref No 9 Removal of the mechanism chassis Procedure 1 2 3 4 5 9 Leafspring 1 2 3 Remove the3 screws O Pullouttheleafspring byslanting itasshown Liftupthefrontbracket andthenrelease thehooks Removeit in the direction of arrow ...

Page 8: ...s fromthe headduring repairin orderto avoidthe staticelectricity Besurenotto damageat the connection of theTAPE lN SELECTdet switch Release the2 hooksof TAPElN SELECTdet switch CI rrrn 4pcs e BTfTEI 4x 2 5 ReÍ No 11 Removal of the lockleverass y Procedure 1 11 Hooks 1 Liftup andpu thehooksof the intermediate ll it outwiththe pliers moldin the direction of arrow ReÍ No 12 Removalof the batteryconta...

Page 9: ...hanism to be repaired Fig 1 Howto replacethe headblockass y The headblockis supplied as a headblockass y Referto Fig3 The headandpinchrollerarm L R aresupplied together in the headblockass y The pinchrollerarm L R is alsosupplied separetely Spring 3 Remove the2 washers 4 Remove the springs fromthehook 5 Liftupthepinchroller arm L R inthedirection of arrow Mechanismblock Fig 2 o o Howto replacecamg...

Page 10: ...direction oÍ arrow Putthe beltintothe clearance between upper portion of motorandcoilP C B Referto Fig 4 and5 Fig 2 Motor Belt Unmagnetized 1sheet or similar material Upperportion oÍ motor CoilP C B Lowerportion of motor Fig a 4 Remove the 1 screw O 5 Remove thewasher 6 Remove the camgearin Fig 3 Stretched Chassis Thickness 0 2 0 3mm o Removal of the camgearandsolenoid 1 Follow theprocedures in Re...

Page 11: ...eof the headblock Additionally interlock a locatingholeof the mechanismchassiswitha bossat the bottomof the hold piecesupport L 5 Fixthe screwthe holdpiecesupport L on the mechanism block 6 Hookthe pinchrollersprings L and R o NoticeÍor assembling thejackornament andswitchornament Alignthe switchleverswithswitchknobswheninstalling the switchornament Note BeÍoreinstalling the switchknob be sureto c...

Page 12: ...3 Rotatethe cam geartowardthe position as shownabove 4 Install thetriggerleverto the shaft B ConfirmationoÍ cam gear operation Camgear 7 Rotate the maingearin the direction of arrowe andthen thecamgearassociates in the direcion of arrow 8 Makesuretheyokeis locatedat the posision RVD when the camgearis ceasedrotating Camgear FwD 3ÏóFl REV 11 Further pullthetriggerleveronetimein the direction oÍ arr...

Page 13: ...stment sBc438 48223e5 30288 Mirror tape Tapetransport adjustment 9 6kHz 4822 3e7 30264 Leveltape DCC 9 6kF z OdB Recording current adjustment 48223e730252 Blanktape DCC Recording current adjustment o Jigs and Tools A MECHANTSM ADJUSTM ENT Headalignment adiusting screwdriver h RZZ02s6 4822395 s0452 Ceramicscrewdriver Headalignment HOZAND 281 No 0 48223ss 504s1 Headadjusting jig ozz02o7 Y B ELECTRTC...

Page 14: ...ism littlebylittle andthenremove a pinatthemechanism side shown ontheright figure Remove a pinattheleftsideaswell Connect theconnecter JU02 withtheLCD flexible board whichisremoved onNo 3 Press theopendetecting switch withanadhesive tapeandholdthepower ON A tapeisloading without anyinterference with thecassette lidass y Perform headposition adjustment after disassembling theunittothepoint shown on...

Page 15: ...onandthenrotate thetakeupsidereelfora whileby hand 13 Pcs792Ts 1 Tilt Adiustment o IÍ the head tilts backward Head Turn the tilt adjusting screw clockwise until of the check bar 0 within 30 the head surface is parallelwith the end o lÍ the head tilts Íorward Check bar Checkbar Tape guide R Tilt adjusting screw Turn tilt adjusting end of the check bar screw counterclockwiseuntil the 0 within 30 hea...

Page 16: ...rearend of the check screw clockwise to lower the Íear end until it is Tape uide L Checkbar Tape guide R l eíad Head height adjusting screw R Turn headheight TaPeguide R aàiusÍng sóie Ëi Rear end Gheck bar í Lifted clockwise r t Note Turn headheightadjusting screw R clockwise to lift off the base thenslowlyturnthe screwcounterclockwise parallel andrestson thebase Be carefulnot to lift the checkbar...

Page 17: ... Tape FATG sideview X Adjustmentneeded Tape hub FATG lf a curledtapeedgeoccurson FATG R Turn headheightadjusting screw R counterclockwise untilthecurl a IS removed X Adjustment needed Curling R side Tape Tape FATG sideview Tape hub FATG When the relativepositioning LR of the tape hub and tape head tapeguides is correct L R both sides Tape Tape FATG sideview C No adjustmentneeded Tape hub FATG Afte...

Page 18: ...strument totheLINEOUTjack Note Usethein ear phones foraudiomonitoring TP1 Test landÍor playback ITP J2o2 Forreccurrent adj CSETvoltage check Fig 1 MAINPCB P503 I R211 I Reccurrent adj DCC l El Playbackleveladj Rch I R12 l Playbackleveladj Lch I Rlíl High rJrqr n yresponse adj Lch I R152 HighÍerquencyresponseadj Rch Í TPTIl ol Forreccurrent adj RDMUXlevelcheck Fig 2 MECHANISM PCB P103 lTPoil Forrec...

Page 19: ...equired 1 ACCtesttape SBC420 1 Oscilloscope 2 Electronic voltmeter EVM AC range Lch OUT LINEOUT Rch OUT LINEOUT DCCl70 CheckProcedure 1 PlaybacktheACCTestTape SBC420 315H2 0d8 fonrvard 2 Checkthatthelineoutputlevels onbothchannels fallwithintheÍollowing limits Check Taroet 450mVtldB 3 Reverse thedirection oftapetransport andperÍorm thesamecheck o lf it isstilloutside thelimitsafterrealignment doth...

Page 20: ...tus Recordmusicsignals 6 AdjustR211 untilvoltagevalueat TP J202shows 130mV 14 mVDC Temporary adjustment 7 Playbackthe musicsignalsrecorded in the step6 and measurethe voltageat TP J1 10again peakto peaklevel Checkthislevelandthe standard level in 4 to seetheirleveldifference iswithin0 100mV Adjustment Target 0 t100mV B ffthe valueis outof the limit repeatsteps5 7 lf the levelis higherthanthe refer...

Page 21: ... button intheSTOPmode or3 minutes afterentering theSTOPmode o Factorymode 1 All LCD slightup 1 SetintheFACTORY mode 2 Press theCOUNTER button once nHHnntffiHHtEnnt rilTÍTM TOTALTRACKABS AUTOWRITE trE L lllllll llllllllllllllllllllltll llllllllllllll llllllllllllllll 2 1 1 ccc r n í íi i n 1 i ïil C r 1 c 2 83 FACTORYO24D SERVICE MODE ALL LCD slightup ALL LCD slightup LgBUSTest Buttonor SW Check DR...

Page 22: ...tintheFACTORY mode 2 PresstheCOUNTER button 3 times Or presstheCOUNTER button onceintheBUTTON SWON OFF condition LCD tr STOPor PLAY FF REW SKIP Check for L 4 Motor speed adjustment mode 1 Setinthe FACTORY mode 2 Pressthe COUNTERbutton4 times Or press theCOUNTER button onceinthecircuit operation LCD à T SPEEDf ADJUSTf LcD tr STOP orPLAY Hexavalue ignore Notes 1 Motor speed canbeadjusted inthismodeo...

Page 23: ...esetinthe FACTORY MODE o Service mode ReÍerStep3 oÍTroubleshooting onpage25 Except A Circuit Checkmode A Circuitcheckmode Thischeckmodeallows checks ÍorboththeMainPCBcircuit andmechanism operations withMechanism PCB separated fromthemechanism Reelsensor andF Rswitch signals areignored o Checkprocedure 1 SetintheFACTORY mode 2 WiththeLCDshown FACTORY 024D pressthe TEXT button and SERVICE MODE willa...

Page 24: ...uctions ReÍer page6 lnthiscare short circuit theTAPElNterminals oÍthemechanism pCB c Arrangeas shownbelow Connect checker terminals JM01 JM07 onthemechanism PCBto eachpinoÍthêmotorandsolenoid onthemechanism side usingcables withchips ReÍer to illustration shownbelow Mechanism side Mechanism PCB Solenoid PCS79 283 Short MainPCB JMOl JMO7 Motor 22 ...

Page 25: ...SU04 detected DCC ACC SU02 detected Checkthereferring to 2 Button SWON OFF of FACTORY MODE Seepage20 HasPLAY REW FF STOP ChecktheQU01pin19to 22 36to 38 andflexible cableWUO1 Poweronoperation Execute Step2 Power SupplyCircuit Test Wake up Operation Execute Step3 Service ModeTest Seepage25 Execute Step4 Signal LineWaveformes Test Seepage28 Operation startsinthe modeselected in PLAY REW FF STOP PCS 7...

Page 26: 3 3VReg 2 7VDet QUOl PowernotON lsvoltage at outputpinof QU02 3 3VDC QU02isdefective or F806isdefective lsvoltageat outputpinof QU03 3 3VDC QU03 is defective Doespin of QU01oscillate f 3 MHz XU01isdefective or QU01isdefective lsvoltage at pin of QU01 3 2VDC Check pins of QU01 CheckeachSWof PDO3 P C Board QU01isnormal 24 ...

Page 27: ...rvice mode quicktroubleshooting guideto locate thedefective lO s 2s PCs79 z s COUNTER button operation count Testitem LCDmessage Remarks 1 LCD test AllLCD slightup 2 L3BUScommuni cation test L3BUSOKor L3BUSNG Seecommu nicationTest on pages 25 27 3 DRPcommunica tiontest DRPOK or DRPNG 4 SFCcommunica tiontest SFCOK or SFCNG 5 DAIOcommunica tiontest DAIOOK or DAIONG 6 Total error rate Displays number...

Page 28: Mode onpage19 DRP 0501 or itsperipheral logicisdefective L3BUS OK displayed L3BUS NG displayed Solder pins to of Q5S1 SFC EnterService mode see HowTo EnterService Mode onpage19 SFC Q551 or itsperipheral logicisdefective SFCOK displayed SFC NG displayed Solderpins to of QAol DAIO EnterService mode see HowTo EnterService Mode onpage19 DAIO OA01 or itsperipheral logicisdefective DAIOOK displayed ...

Page 29: ...ectDAIOCommunication TestmodeinService mode see HowTo EnterService Mode on page19 DAIO OA01 or itsperipheral logicis defective DAIOOK displayed DAIONG displayed Thedataandcontrol linesconnecting to DRP Q501 SFC Q551 andDAIO OA01 areallnormal YES YES YES YES Notes o lf an lC or itsperipheral component isfoundto be defective leaveits pin s unsoldered or replaceif witha Íunctioning component If a def...

Page 30: ...x 10 X 0 2Ps CH2 Y 50mVx 10 X 0 2Ps AMPO CHl WDATA CH2 WEN OEN SBWS SBCL SBDA Y 5V X 50ns X220UT X22IN X240UT X24IN FSYNC FDAI OPTOUT FS256 SDA2 SDAl SWS SCL Y 5V X 1Oms Y 2V X 0 2ps Y 5V X 0 5ms Y 2V X 2ms 0 0 c o o o 0 o o o o 0 0 o o 0 c o 0 0 0 L3MODE LsCLK L3DATA F REF F REF FGIN FG o o Y 2V X 50ns Y 2Y X 0 1ms Y 2V X 0 2ps o 0 0 W V U Y 5V X 2ps Y 5V X S rs TÊ 471 f lp r ztrZtr A I v V n A A...

Page 31: ... N ï ï ilcLK Ë Q snrrcLr P 00Yil Q5o I Q cLrzr ORP sAA3323 srvs srcL snor êê il U rov H Z g d á ESBTF rrnMD i Ë É FsYNc X II IE q Fo r 9óó6 FmL Pm M l v v v TOI R cLK21 SYNC t O 055 FoAo soci sAA2oos rszst sror 5FC3 sm sBorn Q scL uRoA 9 sotz 5BEF e s0Al 0ttlr0Ac BAil 06F5 ouT_L n 1 ooLBY m 2 a Í N 0FF LUU roït cl r3l l ooLBy 000 NJM2O72M EE vZ X sTB v r u 0M0 El IU MOTOR Hv OR IVE ru NBC5800 l RN...

Page 32: ...ARGE 3 3VREG 2 7VDET 042t 422 HN ICO3F 0A12 r3 RN2ó03 25A2r r6 LINT IN r1 tc tN 030 r 302 HNIAOIF COAX OPT IN J30 I LlNE 0806 25K 078 s302 oN ALC SVJ o 530 t4tc L trur ffi F80ó BOOMA F J BATT J_ N I _CO J SBC6131 Signalline n DCCREC WRITE r DCCPLAY READ DigitalAudio AnalogAudio ACC PLAY UO UCJUJX JZUUF u REITT POIIER AilREC EO 5 OOO O Ècl o 6È I 058 OM KEY IN KEY OU Lco tR tvE R LEO Or eaurts UUOO...


Page 34: ......

Page 35: ...2 D6 RC03 C2 R393 D6 RC04 C2 R394 D6 RC05 82 R397 D6 RC06 86 R398 D6 RC07 86 R401 D7 RC08 C2 R402 C7 RC09 C2 R406 E7 RC10 81 R411 D7 RCl 1 81 R412 C7 RC12 82 R413 D8 RCl3 C2 R414 C8 RH03 G6 R415 D8 RHO4 G6 R416 C8 RH05 F4 R417 D7 RHO6 F4 R418 D7 RHOg E4 R419 D8 RH1O F4 R421 D8 RHl 1 G3 R422 D8 RH12 G3 R423 D8 RH15 F6 R424 D8 RH16 F6 R425 D8 RH17 F6 R426 C8 RH18 F6 R427 D8 RH19 F5 R428 D8 RH2O F6 R...

Page 36: ... Y 2V X 0 1ms Y 2V X 0 2ps n n ln n F t 1 Y 5V X 2ps Y 5V X 1Oms Y 2V X 0 2ps Y 5V X 0 5ms Signal line tr DCCREC WRITE r DCCPLAY READ Digital Audio Analog Audio ACC PLAY Nomark STOP l l ACCPLAY DCCPLAY DCCREc g FSYNc O FDAI O McLK O cLK24 I 0 o o 0 o SDA2 SDAl XL SWS SBWS SBCL SBDA 0 0 o o c c Y 5V X 5ps v l nlnh A IA J f AA f A ï AA I AI Pr ir ll ltv Y 5V X 50ns CHl Y 0 2Vx 10 X 0 5Us CHz Y 50mVx...

Page 37: ...RAM slNr í6rg1st6NOONg 7 LCD R W KEY_IN3 KEY IN4 MCLK AZCHK 4 ctKz4 lOV 0V PWRDWN l0v 0V RESET 13 lv J lv ttat Vss I 3 lV Vool IOV OV L3INT L3DAÏA L3CLK L3MODE OV OV URDA 4 I sBMcLK R A L s Q50 SAA3323 DRP ANA 3 2V ANA 3 2V W_ DATA DIG 3 2V fiour gl SECT_ A REG 5OV MTR _ OFF 32V RDSYNC DIG 3 2V 6s33 REG 3 3V l r 126 r QU2l 2 3 TCTWI4F ovLS Lrr lf ovL F Lr o r ur rtró P F REC SECT SOLE coAx L3 rN l...

Page 38: ...3V 8 0V Ptzl 0v Pt22 0V Pt23 0v Pt24 0v 0u0l pPD78058 p C0M P26 fezs S SVttovlt 724 ts pz3 P22 P2l P20 3 2V 772 0y P7l J zv P7O J 3V gy1Ep1 J J V p31 0v Pt30 Ptzsr rv lsl N AVss ooooóooóNFo ÍLÍLCÍLCL L L SFC_ 3lV íovl 3 JV _ 3 3V DAP ON f l8u I g l ï I cuor I toon I xuor I 3MHz J sFc ïrt3 ï t r I I lËl sso Ëcssz c55l T roP I loP II El ptrn I ouzl 3 3 TCTW 14F ovr l A 3 3v REMT qU 4 euzz REG 2SA 15...

Page 39: ... L3DATAM L3CLKM L3MODEM LÏCNTO LTCNTI 35V I f a RA 2 e I IsFc 3 2V DRP 32V ïfA DAI 35V 0601 A1Í DU31 H2 DU31 H2 FS256 To MAIN P503 2 4 To MAIN P503 4 4 u01 1 u01 10 u01 r 1 u01 12 u01 13 u01 r4 u01 15 u01 16 u01 17 u01 18 u01 19 u01 2 u01 20 u01 21 uo1 22 u01 23 u01 24 u01 25 u01 26 v01 27 u01 28 u01 29 u01 3 u01 30 u01 31 u01 32 u01 33 u0r 34 u01 35 u01 36 u01 u01 5 u01 u01 7 u01 8 u01 9 JU02 1 J...

Page 40: ...MAIN P503 4 4 c00l 22On Q39l TDAISO9H LOVAC cQoz 220P I LOA 30v c393 220n ADPON VssA AD VooA A0 VRN 4 vR 24 VRP dJÈ co c392 l0On LOA 30v d É lÀLOO HËEËËii I c394 22On c39 4lt7 6V3 c40l 4vT 6V3 R40l I c402 l00n L0A 30V F LoD 32V L D0L 32V 8AT 48V MUTE 5oV ÈHP 48V 0PT 35V LPF SOV c387 4tt7 6V3 c385 4v7 6V3 D39l tss300 DOL 3 2V c386 4tt7 6V3 c388 4v7 6V3 Q403 t 2 NJM2II5 0403 2 2 NJ M2II5 PCS 79 294 ...

Page 41: ...lz t z QH t2 2 2 HN ICO3F HN ICO3 F DHO6 tss300 d cH0l rp cHt9 ln SHOI DBB DHOI rss 302 0H02 rss302 0V gEEy 5V t lrJ an lrJ ts Q442 t 2 HNICO3F Q442 2 HN C03Farz ov 5 2v 0v 5 2v Q44t 2 2 RN4603 0422 t 2 Iss300 2 6V 2 6V Vcc I PWGND OUT L OUT R Vcc2 ALST MUTESIV ALSSTYT MUTE Í ALS SIV RF z L POUT RFI LPNF H P L H P R IN L IN R VnerIN L PIN VNCTOUT PRE GND 2 6V CHtg 2 6V 4r7 6V3 cH08 26V26V In 2 6V ...

Page 42: ... 812 RH32 812 RQ01 C2 s701 cl SHO1 Fl1 RQ02 C2 RO06 A2 6l I E1 etr t rE A 0 o o c SDA2 SDAl XL SWS Dl3 Dl3 013 Dl3 Dl3 013 cl3 cl3 cl3 El3 El3 Fl3 40 c301 c3 c302 Dl c311 D3 c312 BÍr c313 C4 c314 84 c315 C6 c316 86 c317 C7 c318 A7 c319 D4 c320 D4 c331 C8 c332 A8 csfs B8 csl4 A8 c335 C10 c336 810 c361 E10 c362 Fll c363 E10 c364 F10 c371 F9 cg72 E8 c373 E6 c374 G8 c375 E6 c376 E6 c381 F5 cAll D2 cA1...

Page 43: ...tt7 T 6V3 o3T2 t 2 RN4603 QAI3 2SA4il6 OV REC 5 0v ï r6P cAtz l00n OV LINE OPTICAL COAXIAL IN t REC 50v cAt6 4v7 6V3 OPT IN oAf2 t 2 RN 2603 MIC H Mtc LI NE s30l INPUT SELSW QAtz 2 2 RN2603 OV RL12 RLI3 REC 50v OV DIG 32V REC 5 0v s302 ALCSW ton 1 REC 5 0v Q316 t 2 NJM2I I5V Q30t 2 HNIAOIF Q30r 2 2 HNIAOIF Q3t4 t 2 RN t6t0 Q3t4 2 2 RN t6r0 Q3t3 r 2 RN 16 t0 Q3t3 2 2 RN t6t0 L CoAXrN Q38l l 2 Q38l ...

Page 44: ...3 2v2 6V3 D372 s322 OV Q363 2SC4il6 Q564 2SC4il6 3V Q374 RNt3t0 Q37 t t 2 HN IBOIF lEc 50v lo V Inlos 0332 3v lss302 c333 R34r R343 eïi 0336 o5v RNl310 orr ZSK880 0338 2 2 NJMzIIsV R339 evs Q333 2SC4 t6 381 r e33so5v RNt3t0 0331 2 2 HNICOSF D37l tss300 R374 I tR372 è c37l A 4v7 I 6v3 o37 2 2 HNIBOIF Signalline tr DCC REC wRlrE r DCC PLAY READ Digital Audio Analog Audio ACC PLAY No mark STOP l l AC...

Page 45: ... BATTV REV MOD HOLD POWER DC IN J801 R827 BAT 4 8V R807 POWER R83 PD DAIO OV Q805 HNIBOIF 0426 2SAt588 DU36 ISS30t R808 BAT 4 8V o o trJ ts 3 5V QA27 ov RN5 RG3 QA30 RNr303 I59 DC02 EC t5 0c02 F806 084 8AT 4 8V MOT 4 8V r 1oNE wAY t C NNNN11I o_2 2 g5 T r o to FF Ë5 ts ltrcio íJ J o z j trl hD a c807 l0On 2SAf586 9 E c REG BAT 13v l t8v É Rctz i QCol 250999ov QC 03 t 2 RNr603 2SC4 il6 QCo5 2 2 RNt...

Page 46: ... 3 3V I c306 220y 6V3 c4t9 2201t 6V3 c5t6 4vT 6V3 I cH4l l00p t0v DStl MA720 I Q307 RN1303 L8r6 47pH L8r7 l0pH l0pH Q702 t 2 RN4603 R717 Q702 2 2 RN 4603 QH4I 2SAt588 5 6V I LCD 33V QU37 t 2 RN 4603 c826 l00n QU37 2 2 RN 4603 QA29 t 2 RN 4603 QA29 2 2 RN4603 6V RN5RG5OA Q 8oe n w RN 303 46V L LsOV OUT VDD GND J lrj ts z 5 v Q407 RN 5RG 3OA I c827 lp CAUTION FORCONTINUED PROTECTION AGAINST RISK OFF...

Page 47: ...CA26 D6 RA28 E6 cA27 07 RA29 E7 cc01 D2 RA30 D5 cc02 D4 RC01 D2 ccoÍr D3 Rc02 E2 cH41 E9 RC03 D2 cu02 F9 RC04 D3 RC05 D3 RC06 D4 D806 A7 RC07 D4 0811 86 RC08 D3 D821 F7 RC09 D4 DC01 Fl RC10 D2 DC02 F2 RCll 02 DCog D3 RC12 D2 DU36 F5 RC13 E2 RH41 E9 RH42 E9 F806 F2 Rl21 89 Rl22 89 RL23 A9 J8O1 Fl RU41 F3 J802 1 Fl RU42 F4 Jeg2 2 Fl su21 F3 1406 D9 SU22 F4 1501 C9 1551 C9 1801 A6 1806 A7 1816 C6 181...

Page 48: ... 03 2 D16 0 20 816 0s21 816 0 22 816 03 23 816 0s 24 816 0s25 816 03 26 816 03 27 816 0 28 816 03 29 816 03 3 D16 0 30 816 0 31 416 0s32 416 03 33 416 09 34 416 0 35 416 0s36 416 03 4 016 0 5 016 03 6 D16 Fl1 cl1 El1 011 El1 Dl1 El1 cl1 Fl1 413 A6 Gl2 Gl5 015 015 D13 812 812 F12 c12 Gl2 F12 814 B15 T P01 C6 T PJl10 86 T PJ111 C7 T PJ112 88 T P J2O1 812 T P J p z á2 c c RDSYNC CH1 RDMUX CH2 CH1 Y 0...

Page 49: ...óï t03 t 0v 0v T POI cr37 l0n cill lp 6V3 cr2 Iu6V lp6V3 Cl25lOn crós I ll6V3 cr35 cr09 lOn lp6V3 cr36 cilo lOn lp6V3 cr38 cils ron rp_6_v3 ct23 lOn Cll4 lp 6V3 lt wA45 ct39 cil5 lOn lp 6J3_ l g4A cr40 cll6 l0n lu6V 3 tZZtOn lp6v3 cllS u It 6J3 N rA ct4r cilg l0n lu6V 3 t4 RA34 18 cA ct42 ct20 23 WA X0 26 TAr Rr0l 1 U 0 J cr46 6l0p6V3 u ct47 eÊ1 wA23 tt wAX 25 47 ...

Page 50: ...ccM ZV UT EOR 2vEn lNEoR 29y OUTRB 0sv4il ouT RA Vner5914 V V VREF SENB O 4V 0 4V DSENIB J OVB OV DSEN28 J 0V J 0V DSEN38 3 0V8 0V DSEN3A J 0V J 7V DSEN2A S OVB OV DSENIA J OVE OV lN xoB 0vil 0v lN0lB 0v 0v Ql0l TDA I380 READ AMP INIB NX25BÈS s s s s s s s s S S s S S s S i s È È s È è È è è È rN23B i S ËËsÉÉÉ SfiI z zz z z z z _2 v s r lc 72 IN MFR MFR2A MFRIAB MFR28 t i ï1 Rt49 cr49 l0 6V3 3V cr...

Page 51: ...F REF MTR LW 4 I MoT 4 8 MoT GNDMOT To MECHA P103 2 2 DIG 3 2V REG 5OV MOT 48V f roon Q202 RN t303 J z ll Ë Ë èËvoo ss è È Èvoo r i À1 S È è AMe N q AMP o ATA CLK AMP P SSÈ Svoo sss S S Svoo sss Tï Z CD D iïzttrïïi VooË Ë Ë Ë Ë Ë Ë Ë SS i S SS i S VooS S È È È È È È È sa s S S ss s s vsErs È è È d È s s s Q20 TDAISS I wRrTE 3 Voo u ssssssss Ncs ss s s s s s s i ï z ï i ï ï i i w 32V Rzot á w 3 0v ...

Page 52: ...TR LW F REEL TP OUT S Ot St t DIG 3 2V REG 50v 0001 r 9l92AF Mor 4 tïmorcin sÈnvor Q006 TC 4S66F OV 14 9V REG 5 0v JMOI JMO2 JMO3 JMO4 JM05 cM04 56n cM05 56n cM06 56n cM03 l00n cM02 l00n QMI3 2S8798 L LOO fsoGno o Cr0z TAPE IN ïfJ Í fl8J cMt4 220P cM13 82n e9C JJQo n 9o RMsI MOT QM03 2SAr588 M53 QM04 RNr603 PCS79300 50 ...

Page 53: ... DIG 3 2V DIG 3 2V ï JJt FWD RE F I o lrJ É cM28 i22n clt27 t50P cM26 27n o et s o s DIG 3 2V su0l F R SW DIG 32V RUIT t 8dr cR0l 2v2 6V3 QR03 cP2527 F REEL DIG 32V cM22 lor 6V3 I cR06 àlr RRIT 4 9V 4 9V OVrcV Q009 RN 303 J I ts F e r j Q004 t 2 NJM2II5V 0003 r 2 NJM2II5V àËHJ ÍL9 W STB 4 v 42 Er 4 U 43 ETR HW F R QMOI Hv NBC5800 vco MOTOR DR IVE HU REM PGI Vcc FGI PG REF MV REF ooo o L tJ t trJ u...

Page 54: ...1I R019 R021 RO22 R023 R024 R033 RGI4 RMOl RMO2 RMOs RMO4 RMOs RMO6 RMl1 RMl2 RM13 RM14 RM15 RM16 RMl7 RM18 RM19 RM20 RM31 RM41 RM42 RMs1 RM52 RM53 RM54 RROl RRO2 RROs RRO4 RROs RRl 1 RR1 2 RRl3 RRl4 RRl5 RR16 RRl7 RRl8 RR19 RU12 RU13 RU14 RU15 RU16 RUl7 SMOs Fl su01 D9 SUO2 DlO su04 E10 F REF F REF FGIN JMOl JMO2 JMOÍ JMO4 JMOs JMO6 JMOT 1001 M001 E1 E1 Y 5V X 0 5ms Signal line tr DCCREC WRITE r ...

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Page 58: ... has an Internalpull up reslstor aucllomute Q p Ímànent mute 1 mule on recelve error this input has an internalpull up íesistor select ínrcropÍocessor stand alone mode 0 microprocessor l StSnd alonel this input has an internalpull uO Íesrstor sysiem clock output in receive mode system clock input in transmit mocte select systemclock 256 384 ís 0 384 ÍS 1 256 Íg this input lus an internal pull up r...

Page 59: ...nal 17 PGREF I PG amp non inversfon input 18 vcc I Powersupplyterminal 19 RFM Low Írequency setting lerminal 20 vco o Voltage control OSC terminal 21 F R I FWDTREV selectterminal 22 ETF I Torque command voltage inpul 23 ET I Torque comnland input 21 STB I Standby input terminal 25 TL I Torque limit lerminal 26 PCI Phase compensaling oí current Íeedback terminal 27 CBR Condltion det lerminal 28 PCV...

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Page 62: ACC output Bl INEOR 39 Right chonncl prc cgalisctionampliÍicr input OUTEOR 40 Right channcl prc cgalisarioncmplifior output V 41 Positivc supply Íor Íccdback ampliÍicrs V 42 Ground Íor Íecdback ampliíicrs OUTEOL 43 Lcít channcl pre cgalisation amplificr output INEqL 44 LcÍt channcl pre cgalisation ampliíicr input OUTLB 45 LeÍt channel ACC output lBl OUTLA 46 Lcít channcl ACC output Al INMFL 47 ...

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Page 65: ...Ql Rt 2 x220ur X22IN o o I 22 5792 TVÍEtr bulfered c 22 5792 MEz XTAL oscj 22 5792 MEz XTAL osci 7 I rDD2 VSS2 positive supply clockos supply ground clockosr I 10 11 x240u t X24IN CIJC24 o I o 24 576MFÍzXTAI oscil 24 576 ÏlíTr XTAL oscil 24 576MEz buffered clo L2 13 SfAIVDBY RESET I I device inactive deviceresct 14 15 16 I 3DATA I3CI K IsMODE vo I I I 3 interface serial data I3 interface bitclock ...

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Page 67: ... A VariableR ch A AMP NF ch A PeakingCapacitor NC ch A OETECTION ch A TIME ccnstant ch B PLAY INPUT SW oÍ NR ON OFF ch B PLAY OUTPUT ch B VariableR ch 8 AMP NF ch B Peaking Capacitor NC ch B OETECTION ch I TIME ccnstant GNO o Q801 M83775 DC DCCONVERTER 65 PCS79 307 ...

Page 68: ...U00I BOrroM oASEU01I BOrroM cAsEt 05I BOTTOM CASE U10I BOTTOM CASE 8K01 LEG scREW1 4X2 5 scREW1 4X2 5 BATTERY LID JACK 26P JACK 26P JACK 36P JACK L NE MtCDtG lN JACK L NE DtG OUTPUT J801 4822 267 31789 J802 482 26531064 JH01 4822 267 31787 JU01 482 26561292 JU02 4822 26541408 KD01 4822130 91371 RH01 482 10130847 R326 482 10130847 sH01 482 27721749 sM03 48 2 271 30848 su01 482227721752 su02 482 276...

Page 69: ...o0rB 0t0B ói 003 0t2B 0l38 00tM 0078 oo2Bl a ofoc 052G 052G l 0f4B 0ÍrB 0238 SD2I rzoc WUOI 0308 050G 055G 1 67 0268 ...

Page 70: ... 3 oz5M ozoM i 030M Jt03 wu02 020G 09tG o2lM o62G_é M _ oogB ó v 080G ltoc il5G 68 PCS79309 ...

Page 71: ...711233 004M 482246451042 005M 4822 35831272 006M 482253252593 ooTM 482241711234 008M 482250221433 009M 4822 69120946 010M 482250221434 011M 482253252594 012M 4822 52881532 013M 482252870834 014M 482252233486 015M 4822 40371117 016M 482249242715 017M 482253252595 018M 482250221446 019M 4822 53252596 020M 1001 4822 28150183 M001 4822 36121654 SCREWM1 4X5 SUPPORT HOLDPIECER CHASSIS BLOCKUNIT CP BELT ...

Page 72: ...10pF 6 3V CERAMlC 0 1pF 80o o 20o o TANTAL 10pF 6 3V CERAMIC 0 1pF 80o 20o c160 482212441839 c161 4822 12611687 c162 4822 12411438 c163 4822 12611687 c171 482212611687 c172 4822126 11687 c173 4822 12611679 c174 482212611679 c175 532212611578 cl76 532212611578 c177 482212612846 c178 482212612846 cl79 532212611583 c180 5322126 11583 c181 482212613302 c182 4822126 13302 c lg7 I 532212611578 c190 c197...

Page 73: ...10KO 5 1 16W R1T7 4 2Í1711296 10KO r5 1 16W R201 4822117 11311 220KA t5 1 16W R2e2 482211711297 Í00Ko r5 1 16W B20g 482211711297 Í00KO r5701 16W R20 4V2117113r1 220KO r5 1 16W R20É 4V211711304 150KOr50loíl16w RESTSTORS ALLCHTPS R206 4822 11711324 5 6Kr 5V 1 16W R207 4922 11711303 151 cr 50 o 1 16W R208 482 11711296 1oKO 50 o 1 16W R209 482211711366 470f Q 5o o 1 16W R210 4922 11711327 6 gKQ 50 o 1...

Page 74: ... 10 o CERAMIC 0 1pF 80o o 20o o CERAMIC 0 1pF 80o o 20o o CERAMIC 0 01pF 10o CERAMlC l ttF 80o o 20o o TANTAL 2201tF 6 3V TANTAL 4 7gtF6 3V TANTAL 4 71tF6 3V oERAM C 100PF 50 o oERAM C 100PF 50 o oERAM C 22PF 50 c316 482212233761 c317 482212441839 c318 482212441839 c319 4822 12611687 c320 482212611687 c331 I 482212411438 c334 c335 482212233761 c336 482212233761 c361 t 4822 12611678 c364 c371 48221...

Page 75: ...822 11711298 482211711297 482211711297 482211711322 482211711322 482211711323 482211711322 482211711322 48 2100 12189 482211711296 4822 11711309 482211711309 482211711297 48 2 11711297 482211711309 482211711297 482211711297 482211711317 47t t t 5 1 16W 4 71 d2 r 5ï 1116W 2j t5 1 Í6W 27 t t 5701 16W 470r2 t5 1 16W VARTABLE VR20Kfi A X2 15KO r5 1 16W 15KO r5 llí6w 100Ko r 50 o l116w 100t n r 50 o 1 ...

Page 76: ... 482 11711305 482 11711364 482 11711364 4822 1 t711321 4822 117 11321 48 2 11711309 482 11711309 482 11711312 482 11711322 48 2 11711296 4822 1119W92 482211í 90892 482 117113A3 48 2 117 11309 4822 11711398 4822Í1711398 4822 11711315 4822 117 11915 482 117 11309 4822 1 t7 11309 4822 11711294 482 11711322 4822 117 11322 4822 11711307 482 117 t1308 4822 11711294 4822 11711294 4822 11711328 48 2 11711...

Page 77: ...O DIODE 1SS3O1 DIODE 1SS3O2 DIODE 1SS3O1 DIODE 1SS3O1 DIODE 1SS3O1 DIODE 1SS3OO DroDE 1SS300 DIODE 1SS3O1 DIODE 1SS3O2 DIODE 1SS3O2 DIODE 1SS3OO DIODE 1SS3O2 DIODE 1SS3O2 DIODE 1SS3OO DIODE 1SS322 DIODE 1SS3OO DIODE 1SS3OO DIODE 1SS3OO DIODE 1SS322 DIODE 1SS3O2 DIODE MA72O DIODE MA72O DIODE 1SS3O2 Q301 482211192195 Q302 482211192195 Q306 482213063609 Q307 482211192184 Q308 482211192192 Q31 1 48221...

Page 78: ...4822 27721749 su21 4822277 21748 su22 4822277 21748 s301 482227721749 s302 482227721748 s701 4822277 21748 xu01 482224281792 x551 482224281793 x552 482224281794 FERRITE BEAD B 8125HM1 02 FERRITE BEADBJ 2125HM 102 FERRITE BEADBK2125HM1 02 FERRITE BEADBK2125HM1 02 FERRITE BEADBK2125HM1 02 Coil ZCYSS1 RS M3PT FUSE125V 8OOMA JACK HEADPHONES JACK 36P JACK 17PIN JACK L NE MtCDtG tN JACK L NE DtG OUTPUT ...
