Circuit Descriptions, Abbreviation List, and IC Data Sheets
In this chassis, the PNX85xx is responsible for the audio/video
source decode functions and video improvement processing
on both digital and analogue sources. It includes a multi-
standard digital video decoder for MPEG2, and a multi-
standard analogue video decoder for support of PAL, NTSC,
and SECAM standards. Refer to diagram B04 for details.
Video Subsystem
Refer to figure “Video flow diagram” for a clarification of the
blocks that are used in this device.
Figure 9-14 PNX85xx video flow diagram
The Analogue Video Front-End (AVFE) provides the interface
to external analogue baseband video sources and IF inputs. It
supports the following inputs:
1fh - CVBS, Y/C, YPbPr, RGB.
2fh - YPbPr, RGB.
IF - low-IF, SSIF.
The Video Capture Pipe (VCP) is used to capture analogue
video inputs and consists of a number of blocks:
The VCP-RX block that contains digital IF processing, a
Video Decoder, a 3D-combfilter, and a VBI-Data Capture
unit together with a number of smaller control functions.
The VCP-PSUD which allows VBI data, such Teletext and
Closed Captioning, to be stored in memory.
The VCP-PSUV which allows captured video data to be
stored in memory.
The HDMI receiver interface supports the capture of signals
compliant with the HDMI V1.1 specification. It consists of two
Block HDMI-RX contains the de-serialiser, HDCP, audio
and video data capture and info packet extraction, together
with audio formatting.
Block HDMI-RX2DTL allows captured video data to be
stored in memory.
The Memory Based Video Processor TV (MBVP_L2TV) is
used on the main video channel for de-interlacing and scaling
of images, together with video measurement functions.
The Video Composition Pipe TV (CPIPE_L2TV) is used to
perform picture improvements on video and merge the video
layer and 2 graphics layers into a single stream.
The Flat Panel DIsplay-LVDS (FPD-LVDS) provides a serial
interface for 10-bit RGB output data towards the LCD panel
with a data rate of 90 Mpixels/s max.
The Memory Based Video Processor VO (MBVP_2LVO) is
used on the main video channel for scaling of images for
monitor out.
The Video Composition Pipe VO (CPIPE_VO) is used to merge
a video and a graphics layer into a single stream together with
insertion of VBI and CGMS data.
The Digital Encoder (DENC) supports encoding of a digital
video stream from the CPIPE_VO into Analogue CVBS or Y/C.