1072_0_Product_Manual - February 24, 2011 2:52 PM
Projects: Projects
This is where user projects are set up. Custom applications can be written in either C or Java, and then set up to
run on the PhidgetSBC at system startup. On the main page, there is a list of installed applications as well as the
controls for creating a new application space. Application names should not contain spaces.
On a specific application space page, there are controls to start and stop the program, as well as view the stdout
and stderr from the most recent (or current) run.
There is a filesystem browser, which allows viewing, editing and removal of application files, as well as the ability to
upload new files. File upload size is limited to 5MiB per file.
The application settings section configures the application. When an application is enabled, it will start at the end
of the system boot process (after things like bringing up the network, starting the Phidget Webservice, etc.). The
startup order field specifies a start order among the custom applications, with lower numbers being started first.
The Run as Daemon check box ensures that the application is run as a daemon. This should only be unchecked if
the application daemonizes itself, or quits right away - otherwise it will stall the boot process. Executable name is
the name of the file to execute. If this filename ends in ‘.class’ or ‘.jar’, the program will be run as a Java program,
otherwise it is run as an ARM Binary.
See the chapter on Advanced use for more information about setting up custom applications in Java and C.
User Applications
Currently installed applications
- This is a list of all created applications and their current status. Enabled applications
will try to run on system boot, and the stopped/running status indicates if the program is currently executing. Delete
applications using the red ‘X’ near their name. You can click on the application name to launch the application page.
Create new app
- This button creates a new application space using the input field for its name.
Free space remaining on userspace partition
- The amount of free space remaining on the user partition in bytes.
Application page
- This button is for starting or stopping the execution of the program specified under application settings.
Starting a program will generate stdout and stderr logs.
View stdout
- You can view the standard console output of your program through this link.
View stderr
- In the event of an error that halts program execution, its corresponding error message is printed here.
Filesystem Browser
Upload a file
- Use Browse to select the file from your PC, or type the file path of the item to be uploaded. The
Upload button will then copy the selected file to the current open folder in the Filesystem Browser.
Create a directory
- Type the directory name you wish to create in the field. Click Create to make the directory in the
current open folder.
Free space remaining on userspace partition
- The amount of free space remaining on the user partition in bytes.
Application Settings
- Enabled applications will start automatically when the PhidgetSBC is booted. Disabled
applications can be started manually by the user.
Startup order
- Use to set the startup order when multiple applications are defined. Lower numbers get started first.
Run as daemon
- Runs the application as a daemon. This should only be disabled if the application daemonizes itself
- otherwise the PhidgetSBC startup proccess will hang.
Executable/Class name
- Name of the program file to execute. This file must exist (have been uploaded) before
it gets defined here. Files ending in .class and .jar will be run through the Java VM, otherwise they are executed
- Command line argument list to pass to the program on execution.