iWire Flex Radio installation guide
iWire Flex Radio installation guide
iWire Flex Radios (
) install inside the Phason Communication Hub (PCH) or any
Phason Flex-compatible device and provide wireless RS485 communication with other iWire Radios
and connected devices.
iWire Radios are for users who want to avoid running communication cable between buildings, or to
remote, hard-to-get-to devices or locations. Typical applications include using iWire Radios in place
of expensive trenching of underground CAT5 cable. The system is also ideal for reaching devices,
such as Weather Stations, that are normally mounted outside or in remote locations.
iWire Radios are for use exclusively in OMNI Select systems and are compatible
with all OMNI devices
PB-1 to PB-6 Power Blocks.
How iWire works
An iWire network consists of two or more iWire Radios or iWire Flex Radios. One Radio on the
network is a
Master Radio
; all others are
Remote Radios
The Master Radio connects to the communication channel after the RS485 Converter. The Master
Radio communicates with all Remote Radios on the network. The Remote Radios send information
from the OMNI Select devices to the Master.
The example below shows an iWire Flex mounted in the Phason Communication Hub (PCH) as the
Master Radio. All other iWires are Remote Radios. A standard iWire Radio is mounted on a tower to
enhance communication between the office and the outer buildings. An iWire Flex is mounted in
each AutoFlex control in the buildings.
iWire Radios used outdoors and have a clear
line of sight have a range of up to 5 miles.
iWire Radios used indoors have a
range of up to 500 feet.