FHC-1D user manual
FHC-1D user manual
The Fan and Heater Control (FHC-1D) automatically controls the temperature in a room by
adjusting the speed of variable speed fans and controlling a heater interlock.
When the temperature is at the set point, the FHC-1D operates the fans at the idle speed setting and
the heater is off. When the temperature exceeds the set point, the FHC-1D increases the speed of
the fans. When the temperature drops below the set point, the FHC-1D shuts off the fans (in shut-
off mode) or operates the fans at idle speed (idle mode) and switches on the heater or heat lamps.
One variable speed output
One heater interlock output
Automatic shut-off and idle modes
Adjustable off set-back for shut-off mode
Adjustable idle speed for idle mode
Adjustable temperature set point
Adjustable temperature differential
Three-second full-power-turn-on to
minimize fan ice-up
Two-digit LED display
Fahrenheit and Celsius display
Error code display for troubleshooting
Overload protection fuse
Six-foot temperature probe, extendable to 500 feet
Rugged enclosure (corrosion resistant, water resistant, and fire retardant)
CSA approval
Two-year limited warranty