Manual v1.3
This very versatile mixer combines several functions in a small space (only 12HP):
4 independent channels each proposing:
- attenuator for the input level,
- on / mute selector, (position visible by a green / red two-color led),
- auxiliary send pre / post (adaptable level),
- pan (potentiometer with central detent),
Add to this the input "4" which is mono or stereo (can be used in return of effect), an attenuator for
the general level, a stereo output on 3.5mm mini jack, and of course, it manages both the CV and
audio signals. Possibility to add an optional vumeter (see page 4).
It is recommended to lower the output volume before any connection ;-)
Connecting the ribbon cable
! Be careful to always respect the connection direction of the tablecloth: by convention, the colored
part (usually red / pink) of the ribbon represent
Note : on all PCB
, the -12V « red line » is screen printed near the power connector.
Version 1 (2018-2019): Version 2 (2020-...):