Stitch Edit
Touch Stitch Edit to open the control window for
adjusting selected stitch.
Touch Stitch Edit to close the control window.
Note: The Default Setting is always shown in white numbers.
creative icon™
allows you to access the functions
you use the most by arranging them as you desire on
the sewing and embroidery area. Touch the Detach icon
to show which controls that can be moved around.
Touch & hold the Move icon in the center until the
control pop’s up. Drag and drop it to desired location.
Your machine will remember your changes when
turning your machine off. Touch the x to close the
control. To reset the Toolbar to default, use Smart
Toolbox and select Reset Toolbar.
Stitch Width
Increase or decrease the stitch width using – and + in
the control. The number above the control shows stitch
width in mm.
Changed stitch position may limit the stitch width
Stitch Positioning
On certain stitches with a width less than 9 mm it is
possible to change the stitch position. Use – to move the
stitch to the left and + to move the stitch to the right.
The number above the control shows the needle start
position in mm in relation to center needle position. The
machine has a maximum of 37 needle positions (for a
straight stitch).
The stitch position can only be changed to the limit of
the maximum stitch width. Changing the stitch
positioning will also limit the stitch width adjustments.
Stitch Length
Increase or decrease the stitch length using – and + in
the control. The number above the control shows the set
stitch length in mm. If lengthening a zigzag stitch or a
decorative stitch, the entire stitch will be stretched out.
If lengthening a stitch where the density can be adjusted,
the entire stitch will be longer but the density of the
satin stitches will remain the same.