Version 1.0, 05-2022
Thank you for choosing a nMETOS station (formerly known as LoRIAN
NBIoT) for monitoring your agrometeorological conditions towards the
decisions support system. The nMETOS has been designed
to monitor data with a set of sensors oriented to plan protection and
irrigation. Like other products of the METOS® family, it measures and
sends data to the
platform using the NB-IoT service. The
users have free access to data through web, mobile applications and
decision support system. Additional services (like plant disease models
and weather forecasts) are available with a license fee. Web API is
available for interface with other custom applications.
nMETOS systems will be mainly used for:
• Precipitation monitoring
• Air-Temperature/Moisture monitoring
• Irrigation and plant protection systems
Pessl Instruments GmbH
Werksweg 107, 8160 Weiz, Austria
+43 317 255 21