User’s Handbook, TSL 4230, Issue 4
Danger from ‘fluorosilicone’ (Viton) ‘O’ ring seals
All of the engines ‘O’ ring seals are made from fluorosilicone material.
It is a safe material under normal conditions of operation, but if it is burned the extremely dangerous
hydroflouric acid is produced.
If it is necessary to come into contact with components which have been burnt, follow the precautions below:
Allow the components to cool.
Use Neoprene gloves and a face mask.
Wash the contaminated area with a calcium hydroxide solution and then with clean water.
Disposal of gloves and components which are contaminated must be in accordance with local regulations.
Caution: If there is contamination of the skin or eyes, wash the affected area with a continuous supply of clean
water. Obtain immediate medical attention.
Practical information for cleaning components
Use suitable gloves for protection when components are degreased.
Keep the work area clean and ensure that components are protected from dirt and debris. Ensure that dirt does
not contaminate the fuel system.
Before a component is removed from the engine, clean around the component and ensure that all openings,
disconnected hoses and pipes are sealed.
Remove, clean and inspect each component carefully. If it useable, put it in a clean dry place until needed. Ball
and roller bearings must be cleaned thoroughly and inspected. If the bearings are usable, they must be flushed
in low viscosity oil and protected with clean paper until needed.
Before the components are assembled, ensure that the area is free from dust and dirt as possible. Inspect each
component immediately before it is fitted, wash all pipes and ports, and pass dry compressed air through them
before connections are made.
This document has been printed from SPI². Not for Resale