Optical arrangement
The optical arrangement for an external detector is shown below.
Figure 5 Optical Arrangement for an External Detector
The beam diverges at an approximately 3° half-cone angle.
Configuring Spectrum or Spectrum Express Softw are to
Use a Third-party External Detector
Right-hand External Beam Option is supported by the following software:
Spectrum version 6.3.5 (or later) for the Spectrum 400 Series Spectrometers and
Spectrum 100 Series Spectrometers.
Spectrum Express version 1.3.1 (or later), for the Spectrum 100 Series Spectrometers.
This section describes how to create a modified instrument configuration file for use with a
third-party external detector.
NOTE: It is not necessary to power the instrument to complete this procedure.
Browse to C:\pel_apps\bin\
The instrument configuration file is named C*****.cfg, where ***** is the
five-digit serial number of the instrument.
The spectrometer serial number is located on its base casting, in the sample
compartment, under the sample accessory baseplate.
Copy the appropriate C*****.cfg file and save it as, for example, C*****.intdet
NOTE: Make sure you save this backup of the original instrument configuration file.
Browse to C:\Program Files\PerkinElmer\ServiceIR
The ServiceIR folder contains a number of utilities, many of which are for
use solely by a PerkinElmer Service Engineer.
If used incorrectly, some utilities could damage the instrument.
beam port