Lumina XRMS Series III Hardware Manual
Chapter 5 | X-ray Safety and Radiation Hazards
Follow all guidance supplied by your local, state or provincial radiological authority. If that
guidance conflicts with information supplied by PerkinElmer, either written or spoken, contact
PerkinElmer Technical Support so that the conflicts can be resolved (see
Keep records of X-ray surveys, instrument repairs or other data required by radiological authorities
or your institution. Some other records that should be kept are Registration Certificates,
compliance or safety audit reports, instrument inspections, training records, a list of authorized
users, accident or investigation reports, and worker complaints.
Create a Training Plan
Use documentation supplied with the IVIS Lumina XRMS Series III for specific training
instructions for the instrument. Use supplemental information for more in depth coverage of topics
such as radiation safety.
Identify radiation hazards associated with the use of the IVIS Lumina XRMS Series III.
The training plan should include discussion of:
Characteristics of radiation and units of dose.
The warning and safety devices incorporated into the IVIS Lumina XRMS Series III. Point out
the importance of having them in working condition.
Proper operating procedures for the equipment.
The operation, calibration and limitations of radiation survey instruments if the trainee will be
conducting radiation surveys.
Proper survey techniques if surveys are not conducted by a PerkinElmer representative.
Methods of controlling radiation dose, such as time, distance and shielding.
The principles and practice of maintaining X-ray exposure to as Low As Reasonably
Achievable (ALARA).
Personal monitoring of X-ray exposure. Symptoms of acute localized exposure, and proper
reporting procedure for an actual or suspected exposure.
Applicable state, provincial, local and institutional regulation or policies.
Safety Maintenance
PerkinElmer recommends, and some local government agencies may require, an X-ray leakage safety
test be performed under the following conditions:
Every 12 months.
When the system is installed at a new site unless it has been moved to the new location on the
XWS-260 workbench and no jarring shocks have occurred during transport.
After a PerkinElmer representative performs maintenance or service, in which case the safety
survey will be conducted by PerkinElmer.
After any abnormal condition that could impair any of the safety systems, for example, the light
box door becomes difficult to open or close.
Conducting the X-Ray Radiation Survey
for more information.
A PerkinElmer representative will conduct a radiation leakage survey
and safety tests after the IVIS Lumina XRMS Series III is serviced by PerkinElmer.
PerkinElmer representatives are trained in radiation safety. However, check with
your local radiation control authority to determine the specific radiation survey
requirements at your facility. It necessary, have a qualified expert other than a
PerkinElmer representative survey the installation before operating the