Original manual in German Version 1.0.2 2022.10.06
Please find out which chemical was used to disinfect the basin water prior to the commissioning.
If a different disinfectant is used from now on, the following must be observed.
If other disinfectants (e.g., organic chlorine (dichlorine) or “chlorine-free” disinfection chemicals) were used previously, a reduced
redox voltage is displayed during commissioning. Without changes to the control parameters, this would result in significant
overdosing. The breakdown of the disruptive chemicals can take several weeks.
That means, if other disinfection chemicals were used prior to the installation of the POOLKLAR for the dosing of inorganic
chlorine, we recommend to run the device with removed dosing cartridges for about 0.5-1 hour to be able to see the redox status.
The set point of the redox voltage should then be set at approx. 20-50 mV above the displayed value. The development of the
chlorine concentration and the redox voltage must be observed during the subsequent period, and the redox voltage's set point
must be increased so that the measured chlorine concentration approximates 0.5 mg/l.
In order to avoid this uncertainty, the basin water must be exchanged completely.
Swimming pool filter backwashing / vacuuming the floor
During a backwashing of the swimming pool filter, the dosing must be switched off. In case of electric locking with the filter pump,
this is done by switching off the filter pump. This is followed by the dosing delay, which prevents the dosing during this time
period. However, if the backwashing procedure takes longer than the set dosing delay, the measuring water intake to the device
must be blocked.
If the basin floor is vacuumed via the filter system, the measuring water intake must also be interrupted during this time, due to
the increased contamination load.