Depending on the duration that the button is pressed and on whether the battery is already
connected, the button calls different functions.
LED flashes at 3 Hz
Alarm: the battery is critically low, loop power cannot be supplied.
Any current signal cannot be read (4 ... 20 mA device).
The adapter still operates, but the connection is not assured.
LED off
Off: the battery is flat or disconnected.
Indications of yellow LED (communication status)
LED on
Joined, alternative path: the device has full network connection. It is
able to communicate with at least 2 wireless nodes. At least one
alternative communication path to the gateway is available.
LED flashes at 1 Hz
Joined, no alternative path: the device was able to join the network.
However, it can communicate with a single wireless node only. There
is no alternative communication path to the gateway.
LED flashes at 3 Hz
Joining: the device is attempting to join the network. The adapter will
attempt to join for 40 minutes by default. Longer joining periods can be
configured if required.
LED off
Not joined: joining the network has failed. The device is no longer
attempting to join.
Indications of red LED (device status)
50 ms on
950 ms off
Device in communication mode: it is possible to communicate with the
LED on
Internal fault: device fault that cannot be remedied by the user.
LED flashes at 1 Hz
External fault: operative fault which can possibly be remedied by the
Adapter temperature outside specified limits,
Measured value outside configured range.
Operative faults can be viewed with the Diagnosis function of the
LED flashes at 3 Hz
Short-circuit: there is a short-circuit between terminals 1 and 2.
LED off
No fault
LED Indicators
Pressing the button while the battery is already connected
< 0.2 s
No function
0.2 s ... 5 s
Status test
Press button for more than 0.2 seconds and less than 5
Release button.
The LEDs display the current device status. See chapter