FDS/OPC Integration
Trigger Description
To make sure that the triggered frame is valid, every trigger event occurs at the end of the
Trigger Events for FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Trigger Events for PROFIBUS PA
Pass Token to address
Trigger if the specified addresses send frames
after receiving a pass token.
ProbeNode to address
Trigger if a probe node is sent to the specified
address, but no probe node response is
detected as the next frame.
Token usage from address
Trigger if the specified addresses send frames
after receiving a pass token.
Missing Token usage from address
(next valid bus address is triggered)
Trigger if a pass token is sent to the specified
address, but is not used from this dress after
Probe Response from address
Trigger if a probe node frame to the specified
address is detected.
Missing Probe Node Response from address Trigger if a probe node is sent to the specified
address, but no probe node response is
detected as the next frame.
Claim LAS from address
Trigger if a Claim LAS frame is detected from
the specified address.
Transfer LAS to address
Trigger if a Transfer LAS frame to a specified
address is detected.
Maintenance Required by address
(available since diagnostic manager version
Triggers when one of the parameters noise, jit
ter or signal level gets into state maintenance
Note: Amplitude, recording length, and pre
trigger time are set automatically independent
from the settings here.
Out of Specification by address
(available since diagnostic manager version
Triggers when one of the parameters noise, jit
ter or signal level gets into state out of specifi
Note: Amplitude, recording length, and pre
trigger time are set automatically independent
from the settings here.
Request from address
Trigger if any request frame is detected from
the specified address.
Response from address
Trigger if any response frame is detected from
the specified address.
Missing Response from address
(next valid bus address is triggered)
Trigger if the slave at the specified address
does not respond on a request.
Pass Token to address
Trigger if a pass token frame to the specified
address is detected.
Missing Pass Token response from address Trigger if a master at the specified address
does not react on a Pass Token frame.