Plunger Seal Kit 3430-0631
Figure 10
1. Plunger / Connecting Rod Assembly:
(Fig. 5)
Skip this step if assembly was left untouched,
otherwise assemble stainless steel washer on shoul-
der bolt and slide ceramic plunger over bolt. Lubricate
o-ring, and roll it over the end of the bolt threads until
tight against the plunger. Spray Loctite activator on
threads and then apply blue Loctite to threads.
(Stainless steel requires activator for Loctite to
adhere. Thread bolt into connecting rod and tighten
with 3/16" Allen wrench, while holding connecting
rod with a crescent wrench or in a vise (Fig. 6).
Shoulder bolt should be tightened to approximately
100 to 115 in-lbs.
2. Plunger Guide / Vacuum Seal Assembly:
(Fig. 7)
Assemble vacuum seal by lubricating o-ring with oil,
then slipping Teflon
seal ring inside o-ring. Carefully
insert vacuum seal assembly into brass plunger guide
retainer at an angle and part way in (Fig. 8). Align
carbon plunger guide with the brass retainer cup and
start it into retainer. With a constant force, push
carbon guide all the way down. This will align and
locate the vacuum seal correctly against the bottom.
Carbon guide should be even with the top of the brass
plunger guide retainer when fully assembled.
3. U-Cup / Valve Casing Assembly:
(Fig. 9)
Lubricate o-ring on valve with oil and push valve in
casing as shown in Figure 9. Note: The cage should
always be on the upper side of the assembly. Solution
enters the valve through the stainless steel metal seat
of the valve and exits through the plastic cage. On the
plunger side of the casing, insert the U-cup with the
open side facing in. This allows the pressure of the
liquid to spread the lips of the U-Cup and engergize it
to seal against the ceramic plunger. Insert metal
backup ring and then the o-ring to finish assembly.
4. Assemble Sub-Assemblies:
Push vacuum seal/plunger guide over ceramic plunger.
Groove for o-ring on retainer should be facing outward.
Next slip valve/U-cup casing onto plunger and mate it
up to the retainer cup. Repeat for other side of
plunger. Check orientation: inlet valve side of valve
casing (metal seat side of valve) towards the bottom
and the blue plastic cage side up. The connecting rod
cupped face should be orientated to face the motor
pilot of the body half (Fig. 10).
Figure 5
Figure 7
Figure 6
Figure 8
Figure 9
Form L-1495
Rev. B
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