1 Phase Simplex
Control Panel for Grinder
and Vortex Pumps
Owner and Operational Manual
293 S. Wright St, Delavan, WI 53115 Phone: 1-866-973-6835 Fax: 800-426-9446
Two green power “on” indicators provide visual indication for the
control and alarm fuses. Fuses must be replaced with 1 amp fast
acting 5mm X 20mm fuses.
Simplex Circuit Board Command Center
The Pump Run indicator light is green. If this light is illuminated the pump is running.
There is one HOA (Hand-Off-Auto) switch. This HOA switch is also
used as the System Test switch for diagnosing the control panel.
The Stop float, Start float and Alarm float indicator lights are red.
8 position terminal block
Auxiliary contact terminal block
Circuit Board Terminal Blocks:
1 Phase Simplex Grinder & Vortex control panels use two terminal blocks for alarm mode configura-
tions. An 8 position main terminal block is for power and level switch connections. A separate 3 posi-
tion terminal block is used for dry auxiliary contacts. A 5 amp, 120 VAC max load can be applied to the
auxiliary terminals. The auxiliary contacts are Form C, Single Pole, Double Throw. (Common, Normally
Open, Normally Closed). Contacts change state when in alarm condition.
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