IMPORTANT: Use only com pres-
sion type insulated connectors on
the wires.
Do not tape leads as oil will de te ri o-
rate the tape and cause damage to
stator and bear ings.
8. Check top bearing. If clean
and does not turn rough,
bearings can be reused
and it is not necessary
to completely dismantle
pump to change bearings.
If bearings are damaged
with dirt or heat, they
must be replaced. See
additional instructions on
replacing seals and bear ings.
Remember to reinstall the
upper bearing load spring.
9. Replace stator housing onto
seal chamber and bolt in
place. Be sure seal failure
wire is connected before
hous ing is assembled.
Be sure O-ring seal has been
re placed. If O-ring is nicked
or cut replace with new ones.
This ap plies to all O-rings
used in as sem bly.
10. After all leads are
reconnected in the
connection box make a high
voltage ground test on each
wire. The only wire that
should show ground is the
green power lead and the
ground lead in the aux il ia ry
control cable.
11. For safety, complete pump
should be air checked under
water for leaks. Lay pump
on side for this oil filling with
oil fill hole upright. Do not
completely fill; leave oil about
1 inch below plug hole. Use
only Hydromatic
oil in this chamber or high
grade transform er oil.
Replace plug; use Permatex
on threads. Install air valve
in top plug open ing of mo tor
housing and charge housing
with about 10 psi of air. Be
sure air is dry. Do not use
air line where water may be
trapped in the line. Submerge
complete unit un der water
and check for leaks.
12. Refill the motor chamber
with oil. Use high grade
transformer oil or Hydromatic
special submer sible oil. Fill
chamber until oil covers top
of windings. Leave air space
in top for expansion. Use
Permatex on plug threads.
Replacing Seals and Bearings:
1. Drain all oil from motor
chamber and seal chamber
as described.
2. Remove motor housing
as de scribed.
3. Remove bolts that hold seal
cham ber to pump housing.
Use back-off screws to
break loose. With hardwood
block, tape end of impeller to
loosen from shaft. When free,
remove impeller from shaft.
4. Lift rotating assembly
(rotor, shaft and impeller)
from pump case and place
horizontally on bench.
Impeller removal
5. Hold motor and remove bolt
and washer from impeller end
of shaft. Impeller is threaded
to the shaft, so tap face
of impeller with hardwood
block to free threads.
Holding rotor, turn impeller
counterclockwise as thread
is righthand.
IMPORTANT: The impeller is
designed to be self-tightening when
running so impeller may be difficult
to break loose. If this is the case,
use plastic or rubber hammer on im-
pel ler tip to free. Remove impeller.
6. Remove lower seal spring and
pry out seal with screwdriver.
7. To remove seal housing, take
out socket head bolts and
using bolts in back of holes,
pry plates loose. This will
force out lower seal if not
already removed.
8. Remove snap ring that
holds upper seal. Pull seal
if it is free. If not free, it can
be forced off when shaft
is removed.
9. Remove 4 bolts that hold
bearing housing in place. Set
assembly in upright position
and bump end of shaft on
hardwood block. This will
push the bearing from the
housing and will force upper
seal from shaft.
10. Use bearing puller to remove
bearings. Replace with new
bear ings. Press only on
inner face of bearing when
replacing. Pressing on outer
face can damage the bearing.
IMPORTANT: Do not use any of
the old seal parts. Replace with all
new seals.
11. Thoroughly clean all castings
before replacing seals. One
grain of dirt between the seal
faces can cause failure.
12. Examine all O-rings for nicks
before using.
13. Use Locktite® on socket head
locking screw in end of shaft.
Summary of Contents for S3R
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