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Aphrodite Air-Spa System Instructions


1. Read these instructions fully before preparing 

to fit the system to the bath.

Please Note: 

That the electrical instructions are a 

guide to United Kingdom requirements and may 

not apply worldwide.

Always use a qualified electrician and comply 

with local regulations.


2. Fit the legs and feet to the bath in accordance 

with the bath manufacturers instructions. Ensure 

that sufficient room is available to site the air 

blower and pipework. 


3. Determine the positions in the bath of control 

and jets. Ensure that the control is set on the 

top surface of the bath, well above the overflow 

level and that sufficient room exists on the 

underside of the bath for the backnut and pipe 


(See Fig. 01). 

The jets will usually be 

positioned in a pattern on the base of the bath. 

Some people like to leave a clear area for the 

seat. Take care to position the jets so that they 

are fully on the baseboard, not half-and-half. 


Fig. 02).

The baseboard must be in full contact with the 

bath at the jet positions. Ensure that the legs 

or battens fixed to the base of the bath will not 

obstruct jet fixing. The jet pattern is optional, 

to suit the shape of the bath and individual 



4. Drilling the holes. The jets are 13mm diameter. 

44mm hole size for the ON/OFF control. 44mm 

holes should be produced using a standard hole 

saw. 13mm holes are best produced using the 

flat bit included in the kit. 

A new, sharp twist 

drill is not recommended as this will tend to 

chip the plastic and separate it from the base 


If a twist drill is to be used, the edge should

first be removed with an oil stone to produce a 

negative rake cutting edge. After drilling, remove 

burrs from around the holes, taking care to avoid 


5. Using a small amount of silicone sealant, 

position and fix the control. 

6. Fix the jets using silicone sealant, ensure any 

excess is cleaned off, as this will impair the

operation of the water non-return system. The 

special nut used to fix the jets should be hand 

tightened only. It is designed to prevent over 


(See Fig. 03).

7. Using the plastic ties, secure the Hartford 

safety loop and manifolds. The non-return valve 

must be accessable from panel side. 

(See Fig. 04).

Continued overleaf....

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 61-62 Lower Dock Street, Kingsway, Newport, South Wales NP20 1EF


 (01633) 244555 


 (01633) 244881


 [email protected]


8. Connect the 9mm. bore pipe between the 

jets and manifold, starting with the jets farthest 

away. Secure with clips provided. 

9. Position the blower unit so that after bath has 

been installed the blower will be inaccessible to 

persons using the bath. 

10. Measure and cut to length the convoluted 

pipe and screw on the cuffs 

(Maximum 1m is 


 Silicone around periphery of hose 

before screwing cuffs on.

11. Fit the pipe between the blower unit outlet 

and non-return valve, also between air trap and 


12. Push small bore pipe firmly on to button and 

control unit. 

13. Prior to installing the bath the system 

should be tested.  This means filling the bath 

with water to the level of the overflow and 

leaving it to stand for a period of at least 20 

minutes. The system then needs to be tested 

working with the compressor working.  This 

entails  connecting the blower to a mains supply. 

Electrical connections should only be entrusted 

to a qualified electrician, and made to existing 

local standards. In the UK this is I. E. E. Wiring 

Regulations, 16


 Edition. The electrical supply 

must be via an Earth leakage circuit breaker 

(ELCB or RCD), 13 amp. Minimum, 30 milliamp 

trip switch. The supply should be on a switched 

fused spur, fitted outside the room in which the 

bath is to be tested. The supply must be checked 

to ensure earthing is present and satisfactory.


14. Test procedure: 


a) Isolate the power. 


b) Ensure the bath is clear of debris and 


fill with water. 


c) Inspect carefully for leaks. 


d) Switch on power. 


e) Press on/off button to start system. 


f) Press button again to stop the 


system. (NB 0n 3 speed systems the button 


needs to be pressed four times to go through 


the 3 levels of power to off) 




1. Install the bath as per the bath manufacturer’s 

instructions - the addition of an  Aphrodite spa 

does not alter the bath installation procedure in 

any way. Take care to prevent excessive plaster 

dust or tile grout etc. getting into the bath as this 

could clog the nozzles.

2. Place the compressor pipe clips on to the cuff 

of the compressor pipe and push the pipe on to 

the compressor outlet. 

3. Position the compressor under the bath so 

that the compressor casing is well clear of the 

underside of the bath and the surrounding wall.  

Also check at this stage that the bath panel will 

fit without touching the compressor. Ensure that 

the air intake is completely free of obstruction.

4. The system is now ready for electrical 

connection. This should only be entrusted to a 

qualified electrical engineer and be carried out 

in accordance with, I.E.E., regulations, 15th. 

Edition. A switched 13 amp fused spur, fitted 

outside the room where the spa bath is installed. 

The isolating switch should preferably be at a 

level where young children cannot reach.

5. Check the operation of the compressor. Press 

the button firmly once to start and again to stop. 

Important Note:

 Before fitting the panel, fill the 

bath with water to the level of the overflow and 

ensure that the whole system is leak free for a 

period of at least 1 hour.
