500 Stacking Adapter
The Impulse
500 Stacking Adapter is designed for free-standing enclosures only.
Do not attempt to use this adapter with enclosures that are flown or wall mounted.
Do not attempt to stack more than two enclosures.
Follow instructions for installation as shown in the diagram below.
Use extreme care when picking the location or placement of any stackable enclosure. Stacked cabinets should
only be used on solid level surfaces and away from possible direct or accidental contact. Any cabinets used in a
stacked manner above floor level should be safety secured from above to prevent falling. Do not attempt to move,
transport, or change the placement of these enclosures while in a stacked configuration. Failure to follow the
advice above could result in personal injury.
1. Set Peavey number
00480230 or 00479150
stacking adapter on top of
bottom speaker as shown in
this view.
2. Set feet of speaker to be
stacked in holes of stacking
Features and specifications subject to change without notice.
Peavey Electronics Corporation • 711 A Street • Meridian • MS • 39301
(601) 483-5376 • FAX (601) 486-1278 • www.peavey.com
Printed in the U.S.A. 3/00