Revised May 1, 2019
Revision 25 of DOCU225, © Copyright
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Determining the Assigned Comm Port for WITS Connections via Toolpush
Connection Box or Network Panel
The EDR uses several comm ports for communicating, so you need to determine which
port the EDR uses for WITS.
Follow the steps below to find the assigned port if you connected the WITS device to the
TPC via a COMM022:
1. Connect the WITS device and have it send any WITS value to the EDR.
2. From the EDR main screen click
Comm Ports
. The Comm Port
Setup screen opens.
3. Use the navigation buttons to scroll through the comm ports list until you see a
comm port showing one of the following under New Protocol: WITS 9600 (8,N,1),
WITS 115200 (8,N,1), WITS 230400 (8,N,1), WITS 460800 (8,N,1), or WITS
921600 (8,N,1). Comm ports connected to WITS devices display one of these
WITS protocols.
Figure 8: Comm port with a WITS connection
Setting the Assigned Comm Port’s Transmission Speed for WITS Connections via
Toolpush Connection Box or Network Panel
Every EDR comm port has a protocol that defines transmission speed (in bits per
second) and serial port parameters. All EDR WITS protocols use serial port parameters
of 8,N,1, but each protocol includes a unique transmission speed. For example, the
protocol labelled “WITS 9600 (8,N,1),” uses a transmission speed of 9600 bits per