Parker EME
Setting up Compax3
192-120101 N11 C3I11T11 November 2007
Reset Channel CH 1..4
all channel settings are deleted.
Please note: Channels can only be fileld with sources one after the other. It is, for
example, not possible to start a measurement which has only a signal source for
channel 2!
Select channel color:
Here you can change the color of the channel..
show/hide channel:
Hide/show display of the channel.
Change logic display mask:
Mask bits in logic display.
auto scaling
Calculation of YDIV and Offset: The program calculates the best
settings for YDIV and channel offset in order to display the complete signal
values optimally.
3: Set signal source with object name, number and if necessary unit
Define source: Draw the desired status object with the mouse (drag & drop) from
the "Status value" window (right at the bottom) into this area.
4: Set Channel offset to 0
5: Select channel display (GND, DC, AC, DIG)
Display of the measurement values with constant component
Display of the measurement values without constant component
Display of the individual bits of an INT signal source.
The displayed bits can be defined via the logic display mask.
A straight line is drawn on the zero line.
6: Set Y-amplification (YDIV)
Change of the Y amplification YDIV in the stages 1,2,5 over all decades.
Arrow upwards increases YDIV, arrow downwards diminishes YDIV.
the standard value is 1 per DIV.
The measurement value of the channel at the cursor cross is displayed.
Trigger settings
Select trigger channel: Buttons C1, C2, C3, C4
Select trigger mode: DC, AC, DG
Select trigger edge: rising_/ or falling \_
the pretrigger as well as the trigger level are set by clicking on the trigger cursor
) directly in the OSCI display.