O W N E R ' S M A N U A L
S/PS-140 Loudspeaker Selector
Congratulations on your purchase of this precision component and thank you for your selection of
Parasound. We designed your Parasound S/PS-140 to switch up to four pair of speakers with the output
of one amplifier. The S/PS-140 also has switchable protection to prevent amplifier overload.
Product Overview
In many home audio systems, it is desirable to be able to listen to music in more than one area. For
example, you may have pairs of speakers in the living room, dining room, kitchen and patio that you
want to drive with a single amplifier. The S/PS-140 gives you the capability of switching on any or all
four pairs of these speakers depending on where you want to hear music.
Unpacking the S/PS-140
Unpack your S/PS-140 and save the carton and packing inserts for safe transport in case you move or in
case the unit should ever require repair. You should find the following items within the packing carton:
The S/PS-140
20 Gold Plated Spade Lugs with Insulators
This manual
Location of your S/PS-140
Place your S/PS-140 in a location which lends convenient access to the speaker switches and try to place
the S/PS-140 near the power amplifier so you can keep the speaker wires relatively short.
Rack Mounting your S/PS-140
The S/PS-140 will occupy a single rack space in a standard 19" equipment rack when you fasten it to
another half width product such as the Zamp, or R/EQ-150. If you plan to rack mount the two half width
products together, call Parasound Technical Services to order the necessary rack mounting hardware.
S / P S - 1 4 0 L o u d s p e a k e r S e l e c t o r