O W N E R ' S M A N U A L
/BD -20 0 0 Belt Drive Compact Disc Trans port
Congratulations on your purchase of this precision audio component and thank you for your selection of
Parasound. The C/BD-2000’s unique patented CD Belt Drive design delivers analog-like musicality
unavailable in other compact disc transports. Every part within each circuit has been painstakingly
selected for optimum quality and performance.
The C/BD-2000 has numerous convenience features which may not be obvious unless you take the time
to learn about them. Please take a few moments now to read these instructions completely before you
proceed. Whenever you are in doubt, refer to this instruction manual.
Unpacking and Placement
Save your carton and the packing inserts for future safe transport in case you move or your unit ever
requires shipping for repair. The white printed carton is not itself strong enough for safe shipping, so
you must place it into an additional outer carton before shipment.
The disc clamp, AC cord, and remote control are packed separately in the carton. Before you proceed,
find the serial number which is located on the rear panel of your unit and record it here for future
reference or in case of casualty loss or theft: _____________________
Your C/BD-2000 should be placed on a level and sturdy surface, out of direct sunlight. It should be in a
well-ventilated area, away from heating ducts or radiators. The area must be free of dust or excessive
The location should be stable and isolated from speakers or foot steps to minimize vibrations that could
interfere with the sensitive optical laser. This could cause the error correction circuits to operate
excessively for other than defects in the CDs themselves. The unit should not be placed near any
component that generates heat or a strong magnetic field, such as a power amplifier.
Do not place your C/BD-2000 near your radio or TV tuner since digital circuitry uses very high
frequency signals that could cause interference with clear broadcast reception. Additionally, RF
radiation from radio or TV tuners could interfere with the clarity of CD reproduction.
C / B D - 2 0 0 0 B e l t D r i v e C D T r a n s p o r t
C / B D - 2 0 0 0 B e l t D r i v e C D T r a n s p o r t
P o w e r
S e a r c h
T r a c k S k i p
S t o p
P l a y / P a u s e