Managing Multiplexers
August 1994
NMS Support
This field indicates if the multiplexer is managed (supported or unsupported) by NMS.
All ACCULINK multiplexers, DATAPHONE 724/735 multiplexers, and the
719 NETWORKER can be supported, so the NMS can receive alerts from the nodes
and/or send tests and commands to them. DATAPHONE 718 multiplexers must be
unsupported since they do not have a network management interface.
Device Type
This field identifies the type or class of the multiplexer as follows: For 719/72x
NETWORKERs, the device type is ntwk, for 724/735 multiplexers, the device type is
mux, for 731/740/741/742 multiplexers the device type is mux, for 74x-56K multiplexers
56mux swtch
Throughout this chapter, references to 740 multiplexers always
imply the 741 and 742 multiplexer also unless explicitly stated
otherwise. References to 74x-56K multiplexers always imply both
the 742 chassis and the 740 chassis unless explicitly stated
Model Number
The model number of the node as identified by NMS. The NMS model numbers identify
the type of chassis — NMS version numbers can identify the type of CPU as well as the
version of software in the CPU. See Table 1-1.
Version Number
The feature package number of the device.
Device Address
This field uniquely represents the diagnostic location of the multiplexer. This is a required
field for any ACCULINK Series 700 multiplexer with a supported inventory state. The
address is given in the form m2/node# where node# is the multiplexer node (1 to 249)
number (or m2/N/.C/M or m2/N/.C/S for 735 nodes). Refer to the COMSPHERE
6800 Series Network Management System User’s/System Administrator’s Guide for
complete information on device addressing.