COMSPHERE 6800 Series Nework Management System
August 1994
External Systems Port
This port is used for initiating cut-through sessions for user interaction from a window on
an NMS workstation to a multiplexer node’s terminal interface. It provides access to the
multiplexer menus via the 6800 Series NMS External Systems task. The external systems
port is a two-way communication link between the NMS host and either an ACCULINK
multiplexer or a 719 NETWORKER. A 724/735 multiplexer must be connected to a
719 NETWORKER to communicate with the NMS in this fashion.
All ACCULINK Series 700 nodes have two network administration ports (NAPs) which are
RS-232 ports that provide control access to the Series 700 network. A NAP can be configured to
interface with any ASCII terminal, printer, the 6800 Series NMS, or with another node’s NAP to
establish an alternate SDL.
While the NMS host processor has three ports for communicating with the multiplexers,
ACCULINK multiplexers have only two ports for communicating with NMS; the 724/735
multiplexers have just one port. Therefore, you can either use two ports for communicating with
NMS or connect to a 719 NETWORKER which offers three ports. Alternatively, you can use two
or three nodes for the ports since all three ports do not need to be on the same node.
In addition to configuring the port(s) on the 719 NETWORKER and the 74x multiplexers to
communicate with the three NMS ports, you may also need to configure one of the following
An event log printer (ELP) port between a printer and either a 74x multiplexer or a
719 NETWORKER if a real-time paper copy of network events/alarms is required. This is a
one-way communication link that sends the event/alarm data to the printer from the network
A supervisory data link (SDL) port between the 719 NETWORKER and a 74x multiplexer
if these multiplexers are used together in the network. This is a two-way communication
link that sends network control data, such as event information, from one node in the
network to another.
The 6800 Series NMS completely manages an ACCULINK multiplexer network. Support for these
devices includes network tests and commands and alarm and event integration.
In addition, the 6800 Series NMS provides alarm and event integration for the DATAPHONE II
Series 700 Model 719 NETWORKER. The NMS does not provide test or command support for
these devices.
All of the above devices can also be accessed from the 6800 Series NMS workstations via a
cut-through session to the multiplexer terminal interface.
Figure 1-1 is a sample NMS multiplexer network diagram.