Configuring Multiplexers
August 1994
3. TYPE: 2
PRESS: Enter
The Channel Profiles screen appears showing the channel port numbers (0–31) and the
profiles (1–8) assigned to them.
4. TYPE: the number of the profile definition to be assigned
PRESS: Enter
The system displays the following prompt:
(Node 101) enter channel number >
5. TYPE: the number of the channel port that is to be assigned to the profile
PRESS: Enter
The Channel Profiles screen appears again showing the new assignment for the specified
6. To save these parameters after you have completed assigning the specified channel port,
PRESS: Enter
The system returns to the Channel Parameters menu.
7. TYPE: E
PRESS: Enter
The system returns to the Configuration menu.
8. Go to Defining a Channel Group for a Terminal or PC.
Defining a Channel Group for a Terminal or PC (Command Ports and Event Ports)
From the Configuration menu,
1. TYPE: 7
PRESS: Enter
Group Definition Summary appears.
2. Choose an unassigned channel group number between 1 and 63.
3. To return to the Configuration menu.
PRESS: Enter