Maintenance and Troubleshooting
June 1997
Device Status Messages
These messages appear in the messages area at the bottom of the screens.
What It Indicates
What To Do
Already Active
Test selected is already
Allow test to continue.
Select another test.
Stop the test.
Backup Active
Backup has been
established and data is
flowing over the alternate
No action needed.
Blank Entries
New had been selected
from the Administer Logins
screen, no entry was made,
then Save was selected.
No action needed.
Re-enter the Login ID,
Password, and Access Level.
Command Complete
Configuration has been
saved or all tests have
been aborted.
No action needed.
Connection Refused
User interface is in use;
access unit already
Wait and try again.
Please Wait
Command takes longer
than 5 seconds.
Wait until message clears.
Test Active
No higher priority health
and status messages exist,
and a test is running.
Contact service provider if test
initiated by the network.
Wait until the other test ends
and message clears.
Cancel all tests from the Test
screen ( Path: main/test ).
Stop the test from the same
screen the test was started
User Interface Already
in Use
Access to the user interface
via the COM port or Telnet
is already in use; access to
the interface is denied.
IP address and login of the
user currently accessing
the interface are also
Wait and try again.
Contact IP address user and
request that they log off.