Displaying System Information
June 1997
View this field . . .
To find the . . .
DBM Identity
Serial Number
DBM’s 7-character alphanumeric serial number.
Software Revision
DBM’s software version. Format
nn.nn.nn consists
of a 6-digit number that represents the major and
minor revision levels.
Hardware Revision
DBM’s hardware version. Format
consists of a 4-digit number, followed by 2 digits
and 1 alphabetic character.
To enter access unit or site identification (system identity) information, use the
following menu sequence:
Main Menu
Device Name
Refer to the
T1 Frame Relay Access Unit, Model 9120/9121, Technical
Reference for more information.
Status information is useful when monitoring the access unit. Use the Status
menu to display information concerning:
Select . . .
To . . .
System and Test Status
View System and Test Status, including:
Health and Status – Displayed in priority order
(highest to lowest).
Self-Test Results – Diagnostic test run on the device
itself. Only displayed if Self-Test was enabled when
the access unit was powered up.
Test Status – Indicates which tests are currently
LMI Reported DLCIs
Select an interface (Network, Port-1, Port-2, BRI-B1, or
BRI-B2) and view the status of all DLCIs reported on
that interface.
Only available when at least one interface has frame
relay Link Status set to Enable and LMI Personality is
set to User Side.