© Panduit Corp. 2018
CT-930LPCH &
CT-930LPCH_CT-940CH/BJO: PA29199A01_00
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NOTE: The optional tool handle (CT-940CHHAN) is recommended for ease in carrying when the
crimp head is being moved frequently.
TOOL OPERATION (see Figures 3 and 4 above)
The CT-940CH/BJO Tool Head must be operated with a compatible hydraulic pump system,
capable of developing and sustaining 10,000 PSI. The Panduit CT-902HP Hydraulic Pump and
CT-900HPH High Pressure Hose (electrically non-conductive; 10 foot long) are recommended.
This system's fittings are matched to the tool head fittings
The CT-930LPCH Tool Head must be operated with a compatible hydraulic pump system, capable
of developing and sustaining 5,000 PSI. The Panduit CT-902HP-5K Hydraulic Pump and
CT-900LPHPH Low Pressure Hose (electrically non-conductive; 10 foot long) are recommended.
This system's fittings are matched to the tool head fittings.
The CT-930LPCH and CT-940CH/BJO Tool Heads have been charged with hydraulic fluid at the
factory. Remove the dust cap from the connector coupling on the tool.
Upon removing the dust cap, be sure to keep the hydraulic fittings on the tool
head, hydraulic pump and hydraulic hose free from contaminates. Failure to
do so may lead to malfunction of the tool head and/or hydraulic pump.
Connect the coupling of the tool head onto the coupling of the hydraulic hose.
Refer to the operation manual provided with your particular hydraulic pump system for the specific
set-up operation, and maintenance of the hydraulic pump. Verify that the open areas between the
ram and tool head are free of foreign matter and debris that could jam or damage the tool during
operation. Cycle the tool head 2 or 3 times by activating the hydraulic pump. Be sure dies are in
the tool head prior to cycling the tool. Check for leaks at all connections.
Carefully place the compression connector between the dies so that the dies will crimp between the
color bands on the compression connector. Activate the pump to advance the ram until the
compression connector is held by the dies.