User Manual For Cyclone LC Programmers
3) Stand Alone Programming (SAP) Data
This section contains all of the information a Cyclone needs to program a target as specified
in the image creation process. This includes all programming data, algorithms, scripts,
settings, etc. This section is encrypted with several keys, including the user generated
asymmetric key as well as a native asymmetric key used by the Cyclone. Once encrypted,
this section may not be decrypted except by the Cyclone during the programming process.
Figure 11-4: SAP Encryption
The end result of the encryption used to proceed the Stand Alone Programming Data is that the
section can only by decrypted and used internally on a Cyclone which has a copy of the specified
ImageKey provisioned within it. This eSAP section cannot be decrypted on a PC even with the
Managing Encryption For Production Programming
The steps needed to encrypt programming images using the Cyclone Image Creation Utility are
detailed in
Section - SAP Image Encryption
. This section details how to successfully
implement the use of these encrypted (eSAP) images into the production programming process.
Provisioning a Cyclone with an ImageKey
Cyclones that have been provisioned with an ImageKey are the only Cyclones that are able to load
and program eSAP images encrypted with that ImageKey. When the user determines that one or
more Cyclone programmer(s) will have access to an encrypted image, they need to load the
ImageKey that was used to encrypt that image onto the Cyclone. This can be done with the
Cyclone Control Suite GUI, Console, or SDK. Instructions on the use of these Control Suite
options is explained in
shows the Cyclone Control GUI with the Encrypted Keys tab selected.