13.6 Configure the settings relating to the audio
detection [Audio detection]
Click the [Audio detection] tab on the “Alarm” page. (
The settings relating to audio detection can be configured in this section. When the configured audio detection
level is exceeded, the alarm action will be performed.
The audio detection level can be adjusted in 10 levels.
In order to use the perform audio detection, audio settings must be configured. (
The alarm occurrence indication button will be displayed when sound is detected by the audio detection
function. (
The alarm occurrence indication button will also be displayed when receiving an alarm input of a
terminal alarm or a command alarm.
Notification may be delayed in some network environments even when “Real time” is selected for
“Alarm status update mode” on the [Basic] tab of the “Basic” page. (
The audio detection feature is not designed to be used in situations that require high reliability. We are
not responsible for any accidents or damages that may occur.
Displays a preview of the settings and the actual audio detection status.
[Audio detection]
Select “On” or “Off” to determine whether or not to perform audio detection.
Performs audio detection.
Does not perform audio detection.
Operating Instructions
13 Configure the alarm settings [Alarm]