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4. Press
to store
Edit Digital TV Favourites list
You can edit the favourites list while the cursor is on the channel in the
favourites list.
To move the channel
1) Select the channel with /
2) Press
3) Select the new position with / or numeric buttons
4) Press
(green) to store
To delete the channel
1) Select the channel with /
2) Press
to delete
– Press (yellow) to delete all channels
To name the Favourites
1) Press
2) Enter characters (maximum 10 characters) with / / / or
numeric buttons, and press
to set
3) Press
to store
= Note =
Channel numbers are defined by the broadcaster and cannot be changed.
Hidden channels can be selected but not viewed.
Channel List
Skip unwanted Digital TV / Analogue channels
You can hide (skip) unwanted channels. The hidden channels cannot be
displayed except in this function.
1. Select
Channel List
with / and press
to access