Page 1: ...Instructions Commercial Microwave Oven Model NE 1064 r l Tal fl il l i l l t r n r r F r d I r d t r 4 J G l L l t l l mru l lffil L_ lJ t l t_i_J f l L J Before operating this oven pleasereadtheseinstructions completely ...
Page 2: ...ogramming Memory Pads lor2 or3 Stage Heating 12 C Programming theDouble Quantity Pad forMultiple Portion Heating 13 OtherFeatures A ToActivate Program Lock 14 B ToRelease Program Lock 14 C ToRead Program List 1S D ToSelect Beep Tone Options 16 E To Read theCycle Counter 1 6 SelfDiagnostics Failure CodeExplanation 1 7 CareofYour Microwave Oven 17 Technical Specifications 19 Owner s Record ModelNo S...
Page 3: ... seryicepersonnel Contactthe nearest authorized service agentforexamination repair oradjustment 10 Donotcoveror blockanyopenings on thisoven 11 Do notstorethisovenoutdoors Do notusethis ovennearwater forexample neara kttchen sink in a wetbasement or neara swimmino pool andthelike 12 Donotimmerse thecordor plugin water 13 Keepthe cordawayfromheatedsurfaces 14 Donotletthecordhangoveredgeof thetableo...
Page 4: ...plugmustbe pluggedintoan outletthatis properly installed andgrounded WARNING Improperuseof the grounding plugcanresultin a riskof electric shock Consulta qualified electrician or servicepersonifthe grounding instructions are notcompletely understood or if doubtexistsasto whetherthe appliance is properly grounded lf it is necessary to usean extension cord useonlya three wireextension cordthathasa t...
Page 5: ...ating microwaves willbe absorbed by food Theypenetrate to a depthof about3 olo 1ll inches Microwave energyexcitesthemolecules in thefood especially water fat andsugar molecules andcausesthemto vibrateat a rateof 2 450 000 000 timespersecond Thisvibration causesfriction andheatis produced justas you willfeelheatproduced if youvigorously rubyour handstogether Theinternal heatingof largerfoods is don...
Page 6: ...tude volume size and shapeof foodsand utensils used As you becomefamiliar withthe oven youwillbe ableto adjustfor thesefactors 2 lt isbetter to UNDERHEAT RATHER THAN OVERHEAT foods lf foodis underheated it canalwaysbe returned to theovenfor fudher heating lf foodis overheated nothingcanbe done Alwaysstartwithminimumheatingtimes 3 SMALLQUANTITIES of foodor foodswith LOWMOISTURE contentcan burn dry ...
Page 7: ... OvenWindow 10 OvenLamp 11 Splash Guard Light Diffuser DigitalDisplay WindowIndicator Locations A ProgramChangeIndicator B DoubleQuantity x2 HeatingIndicator C MemoryPadNumberand HeatingTime Display min sec eachindicator 0 9 D StageHeatinglndicator 3 maximum POWER LEVEL E PowerLevellndicator H r H I G H M Hr MEDIUM HIGH MED MEDIUM LOW DEF DEFROST HOLD PowerOFF 7 E E HI M HIMEDLOWDEFHOLD ...
Page 8: ...y if foodis not removed MEDIUM HIGH MEDIUM LOW DEFROST HOLD The DoubleQuantity Pad x2 presetto automatically doubletheprogrammed timeof eachMemorvpad Exampte press ft rffil rl_ 2 Program Unlock 3 Cyclecountersetto 0 on all pads Toset the powerlevel Select power level before programming thecooking time l t i m e H G H Press 60 Al ury 6 1 min 30sec 7 2min 8 2 min 30sec 9 3 m i n 0 3 min 30sec 2 time...
Page 9: ...1 and2 above DisplayWindow t l F rc l sej For Stage2 cooking 1rffia LEvlt 4 Beeo tone willsound See page 16 NOTE Pressthe PowerLevel Selector Pad3 times Indicator willchange eachtimethe padis pressed DEF is nowdisplayed Stage2 is blinking Pressthe MemoryPads2 0 andO Pressthe STARTPad Thetotaltimeforbothstageswillbe displayed TheActiveStage 1 and thePowerLevel Hl blinks Theoven lampwillbe turned on...
Page 10: ...ound I J I Pressthe MemoryPad9 In ProgramLockModeovenwill startwithoutpressing START Pad Seepage14 PresstheSTARTPad Heating willstart Thetimeon digitat displaywill countdown Allheating willstop Whenopeningthedoor thedisplay willstopblinking 3 Beep tonewillsound See page16 3 Beep tonewillsound Seepage16 To SglectMuttipe portionHeating TheDouble Quantity Pad x2 isfactorv set portion heating Allheati...
Page 11: ... page re1 3 Beep tonewillsound See page16 Pressthe Memorypad 3 In Program LockModeovenwill startwithoutpressing START Pad Seepage14 Pressthe STARTpad Thetotaltimefor bothstaoes willbedisplayed Thetimjon digitaldisplaywillcountdown Heating willstart Whenthe ovenshiftsto the nextstage a single beeptonewillsound Allheating willstop Whenopeningthedoor thedisplay willstopblinking To SefectMultipe Porti...
Page 12: ...andpower levelwill appear inthedisplay Thepadnumber andStage Heating Indicator willappear inthedisplay again Press thePowerLevelSelector Pad2 times TheMemorv pad display willgoout Press Memory Pads3 and0 Press thePROGPadagain you have completed programming theselected Memory padfor single stageheating anddouble heating timeformultiple portion heatin g automatically 2seconds later thetimeand power ...
Page 13: ...T for 2 stageheatingusingMemorypadNumber 5 1 Complete Steps1 to 4 on page11 Press thePowerLevelSelector Pad 3 times DEFindicator light willlight 3 Er Tl l Ef l l Ef press theMemory pads 2 0and 0 Pressthe PROGPadagain You have completed programming theSelected MemoryPadfor2 stageheating and doubleheating timefor multiple porlion heating automatically 2 secondslater thedisplay willconfirm yourprogra...
Page 14: ...HIGHPoweron MemoryPadNumber2 displaymustbeblank W 3 Er l _l 4 fP odi LEVRJ Pressthe PROGPad NOTE lf no PROGIndicator appeared on display Program Lock shouldbe cancelled seepage 14 Do notkeeppressingPROGPadlor morethan30 seconds or a false failurecodemay result PressDOUBLE OUANTITY x2 pad Pressthe MemoryPad2 Thepad numberandthe previously selected timeand powerlevelfor multiple portionheatingwillbr...
Page 15: thedoorcancelsthe remaining timeon the program d Theovencannotbe programmed untiltheprogramlockfeatureis deactivated B To Release ProgramLock Thisprocedure deactivates Program Lock andactivates allotherfeatures Ovenrevertsto a 2 touch operating mode Memorypad plusSTARTpad DO NOTOPENTHE DOOR The Display Windowmustbe blankbeforethe Retease AispUv Wingslu ProgramLockfeaturecanbe activated i i NoT...
Page 16: ...k P 3 tEFI il Press theMemory Padyoudesired to readprogram Example TheMemory PadNumber 5 Display window willdisplay Program Memory Pad Number 5 firststage heating timeandpower level currently programmed onMemory Pad 2 secondslaterthe same information willbe displayed for the2nd and3rdstage heating After all settingshavebeen displayed the PadNumberand the StageHeatingIndicator will appearinthedispl...
Page 17: ...epeatpressing of OPad Select OFF of BeepTone Stagelndicatorl ON Stagelndicator2 OFF Pressthe PROGPadagain you have completed programming the beeptone 2 secondslater 0 willappearinthe display closedooY z Seconds lulra the d s7l Nindoww 1 0o lloaK Whilepressing STOp RESET pad press Power LevetSelector pad Thedisplay showsthetotalcumulative numberof timestheovenhasbeenused Example 9999 means theovenh...
Page 18: ...f steamaccumulates insideor aroundtheoutside of the ovendoor wipewitha softpapertowel This mayoccurwhenthe microwave ovenis operated underhighhumidity conditions andin noway indicates malfunction of the unit 6 Cleanoffthegreaseandduston bottomsurfaces often Usewarmdetergent solution 7 Cleaning insidetheovenouterpaneland insidethe ovenbaseshouldbe performed onlyby qualified servicepersonnel afterta...
Page 19: ...Notes 1 8 ...
Page 20: ... x W x D 12 x20 x 14 306mmx51Ommx360mm Cavity Dimensions H x W x D 8 o x 13 x 13 205mmx33Ommx330mm NetWeight Approx 37lbs 16 8 kg Shipping Weight Approx 42 lbs 19 0kg Timer 99 min99 sec Digital x 10 MemoryPadswithDoubte Quantity x2 Pad lEC705 88 TestProcedure Specifications subject tochange without notice ZOtta 29s _ 8 1 r Sideviewwith OpenDoor 23le 871e SideView tf 1 9 ...