Panasonic NB-1024 Operating Instructions Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for NB-1024

Page 1: ...Panasonic Operati ngInstructions Commercial Microwave Ovens Models NE 1054 NB 1024 Beforeoperatingthis oven please readthese instructionscompletely ...

Page 2: ... forSingle Stage Heating 12 B Programming Memory Pads lor2 or3 Stage Heating 13 C Programming theDouble Quantity PadforMultiple Portion Heating 14 OtherFeatures A llcActivate Program Lock 15 B ToRelease Program Lock 1S C ToRead Program List 16 D ToSelect Beep Tone Options 17 E ToRead theCycle Counter 17 SelfDiagnostics Failure CodeExplanation NE 1054 18 Careof YourMicrowave Oven 18 Technical Speci...

Page 3: ... hasa damaged cordor plug if it is notworkingproperly or if it hasbeendamaged or dropped 11 Do notimmerse cordor plugin water 12 Keepcordawayfrom heatedsurfaces 13 Donotletcordhangoveredgeof a tableor counter 14 Thisappliance shouldbeserviced onlyby qualilied service personnel Contact the nearest authorized servicentre for examrnation repair or adjustment 15 Someproductssuchas wholeeggs narrowneck...

Page 4: ...ugmustbe pluggedintoan outletthatis properly installed andgrounded WARNING lmproperuseof the grounding plugcanresultin a riskof electric shock Consulta qualified electrician or servicepersonifthe grounding instructions are notcompletely understood or if doubtexistsas to whetherthe appliance is properly grounded lf it is necessary to usean extension cord useonlya three wireextension cordthathasa th...

Page 5: ...rmingrackor utensils madeof metalin the ovenallowat leastoneinchol spacebetween metalmaterial andinterior ovenwalls lf arcing sparking occursremovemetalmaterial skewers etc and or transfer to a nonmetallic container Food 1 It is betteT to UNDERHEAT RATHER THANOVERHEAT foods lf foodis underheated rtcanalwaysbe returned to theovenforfurtherheating lf foodis overheated nothing canbe done Alwaysstartw...

Page 6: ...ringheating microwaves willbe absorbed by food They penetrate to a depthof about3 to 1 lz inches Microwave energyexcites the molecules in thefood especially water fat andsugarmolecules andcausesthemto vibrateat a rateof 2 450 000 000 timespersecond Thisvibration causes friction andheatis produced justas youwillleelheat producedif youvigorously rubyourhandstogether The internalheating of largerfood...

Page 7: ...ntinue heating closedoor Microwave heating beginsagain lf you wishto changethe timeduringheating simplyadjust thetimerto desiredminutes 6 Whentimehaselapsed a bellwillringandthe unitwillturn off Ovenlightturnsoff NOTE 1 lf heating iscompleted BEFOREthe timerhaselapsed turntheTIMERTO 0 position The unitwilloperateuntil thetimerreturnsto 0 Whensettingtimerfor lessthan 30 sec turntimerpast30 secandth...

Page 8: ...amp 12 SplashGuard LightDifluser I r I r n I t r I l r t l t z l L _ 1 DigitalDisplay WindowIndicator Locations A PROGIndicator B DOUBLEQUANTITY x 2 Heatingtndicator C MemoryPad Numberand HeatingTime Display min sec eachindicator O 9 D StageHeatinglndicator 3 maximum POWER LEVEL E PowerLevelIndicator Ht HtcH M Ht MED UM HtcH MED MEDIUM LOW DEF DEFROST HOLD PowerOFF 8 PRESET METIU Er esl Etr lE l E...

Page 9: ...Padis presetto automatically doublethe programmed timeof eachMemoryPad Exampte or rm m 2mins 2 Program Unlock 3 Cyclecountersetto 0 on allpads Tosetthe powerlevel Selectpowerlevelbeforeprogramming the cooking time l z t t E t i l r l l u t l l 5 l P r e s s 4 m G E l Example 2 To set85 minutes30 seconds Display The Display Windowwillgo blank whenthe dooris closed at morethan 1 minuteinterruotion a...

Page 10: ...ssthe POWERLevelSelector Pad5 times lndicatorwillchange eachtimethe pad is pressed PresstheMemoryPads2 0 and0 Presslhe START Pad The totaltimefor bothstageswill be displayed The ovenlampwillbe turnedon Heatingwillstart Thetimeinthe Display Windowwill countdown Whenovenshiftsto the nextstage a singlebeeptonewillsound All heating willstop Whenopeningthe door the display willstopblinking 5 Beeptonewi...

Page 11: ...esat DEFROST Seepage13to program MemoryPad Seepage15 to activateProgramLock Pressthe MemoryPad3 In ProgramLockModeovenwill start withoutpressingSTART Pad See page15 Pressthe STARTPad The totaltimefor bothstages willbe displayed Thetimein the DisplayWindowwillcountdown Heatingwillstart I z i l l J i i r l l u r l i 5 l E l 1 3 Beeptonewillsound All heatingwillstop When opening the door the display ...

Page 12: ...numberandthe previously selected timeandpowerlevelwill appearin the Display Window The padnumberandStage HeatingIndicator willappear in the Display Windowagain Pressthe PowerLevelSelector Pad3 times The MemorvPad displaywillgo out PressMemoryPads3 and0 Pressthe PROG Padagain You havecompleted programming the selectedMemoryPadfor singlestageheating anddouble heating timefor multiple portion heating...

Page 13: ...12 Pressthe MemoryPads2 0 and0 Pressthe PROG Padagain You havecompletedprogramming the SelectedMemoryPadfor 2 stageheating anddoubleheating timefor multiple portion heating automatically 2 secondslaier the Display Windowwillshow yoursettlngprogramas step5 on page12 Afterall of yourprogramminghasbeen completed theDisplayWindowwillgo blank NorE f rogram theremaining padsasdesired byrepeating thestep...

Page 14: ...g CustomProgram feature canbe programmed for 10 minutes 30 secondsat DEFROST Example To program30 secondsat HIGHPoweron Memorypad Number2 Pressthe PROG Pad NOTE lf no PROGIndicator appeares inthe DisplayWindow Program Lock shouldbe cancelled seepage l 5 Do not keeppressing PROG Padfor morethan30 seconds or a false failurecodemayresult PressDOUBLEOUANTITY x 2 Pad PressMemoryPad2 The pad numberandth...

Page 15: ...heprogram c The ovencannotbe programmed untilthe programlockfeature isdeactivated DisplayWindow r l l t t _ r r 1 DisplayWindow r l i t ttr l l L I z J l l l l 5 i B To ReleaseProgramLock Thisproceduredeactivates Program Lock and activatesallotherfeatures Ovenreverts to a 2 touchoperating mode MemoryPadplusSTARTpad DO NOTOPENTHE DOOR The Display Windowmustbe blankbeforetheRelease Program Lockfeatu...

Page 16: ... Program Lock P L Program Unlock P PressMemoryPadyou desired to readprogram Example TheMemoryPad Number 5 Display Windowwilldisplay Program MemoryPadNumber5 firststageheating timeandpower levelcurrently programmed on MemoryPad 2 secondslater the same information willbe displayed forthe2ndand3rd stage heatino Afterallsettingshave been displayed the PadNumberand the StageHeatingIndicator will appear...

Page 17: ...umulatively Greatforanalyzing usageof theovenandtrafficflowatthe location Whilepressing STOP RESET Pad pressPOWERLevelSelector Pad The display showsthetotalcumulative numberof timesthe ovenhasbeenused Example 9999 means the ovenhas been used999900times 0020meansthe ovenhas been used2000times lf thetotalcumulative number of timeslessthan 100times the display willnot be changed 2 secondslater 0 will...

Page 18: ... for cleaning by removing the centerplugsfromlhe two plastic rivets Thetop is heldby two tabs Washin warmdishwater and replace 3 The outsideovensurfaces shouldbe cleanedwitha damo cloth To preventdamageto the operating partsinsidethe oven watershouldnotbe allowedto seepintotheventilation openrngs 4 lf theControlPanelbecomeswet cleanwitha soft drycloth Do notuse harshdetergents or abrasives on Cont...

Page 19: ... x14 306mmx 5l0 mm x 360mm CavityDimensions H x W x D 8 e x 13 x 13 205mm x 330mm x 330 mm NetWeight Approximately 34 lb 15 4kg Shipping Weighl Approximately 39 lbs 17 7kg Timer 99 min99 sec Digital x l 0 Memory Pads withDoubleQuantity x2 Pad 5 minulesRotary lEC 705 88TestProcedure Specifications subjectto changewithoutnotice SIDEVIEWWITH DOOROPEN FRONT VIEW SIDEVIEW 1 9 ...

