24 System settings
This setting is required for European special characters, Japanese and Chinese
characters which cannot be specified by ASCII codes. Select “Shift JIS” for Japanese
characters and “GB 2312” for simplified Chinese. If you use European special
characters such as À or Ä, select “Latin-1”.
• To enter control codes in bar code or 2D code character strings via communication
commands or optional network unit (EtherNet/IP or PROFINET), specify the settings
for “Input method for control codes”.
This setting is also applied to the data of the read request response.
This setting only applies to the control codes in bar code/2D code strings, but not to
general control codes used in the message such as STX or CR.
‒ Select “Open settings”.
‒ In the dialog, select “Input EOT/FS/GS/RS/US directly using ASCII code” or
“Input all ASCII control codes using alternative code” (initial setting).
‒ “Input FNC1 using ASCII GS” (initial setting): If you select “Input all ASCII control
codes using alternative code”, select this option to use the ASCII control code to
input the separator “FNC1”. If the check box is not selected, use the alternative
‒ Select “OK”. The dialog closes.
4. Select “Apply to laser marking system” in the ribbon.
5. Disconnect the online connection with the laser marking system.
6. Turn off the power of the laser marking system, wait five seconds and then restart the
Do not turn off the power supply during an online connection with your PC. Otherwise a data loss or
system failure may occur.
The new settings will be updated in the laser marking system.
24.20 Make imagechecker communication settings
When linking the laser marking system with an imagechecker, you need to specify the
settings for the imagechecker connection.
The following functions are not available if you use the link function with imagecheckers:
• On-the-fly-marking
• TARGET DETECTION IN (X7) input of TERMINAL connector
• “Continuous trigger” under “Marking settings” > “File settings” > “Trigger mode”
For details about connecting image processing devices, refer to the “Setup and Maintenance
Guide” of your laser marking system.
1. Establish an online connection between your PC and the laser marking system.