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Connecting to other equipment
The supplied CD-ROM includes the following software.
Install the software on to your computer before use.
• PHOTOfunSTUDIO 9.0 AE (Windows XP/Vista/7/8)
This software allows you to manage images. For example, you can send pictures and motion
pictures to a PC and sort them by recording date or model name. You can also perform operations
such as writing images to a DVD, processing and correcting images, and editing motion pictures.
• LoiLoScope 30 day full trial version (Windows XP/Vista/7/8)
LoiLoScope is a video editing software where that draws out the full power of your PC. Creating
videos is as easy as organizing cards on top of a desk. Use your music, picture and video files to
create videos to share with your friends and family by burning it to a DVD, uploading it to websites,
or simply share your videos with your friends via e-mail.
– This will only install a shortcut to the trial version download site.
About the supplied software
For more information on how to use LoiLoScope, read the LoiLoScope manual available
for download at the link below.
Manual URL: http://loilo.tv/product/20