B’s Recorder/B’s CLiP
B’s Recorder
Be sure to shut down B’s Recorder before you log off Windows.
Otherwise B’s Recorder may not start normally when you log on to Windows next time. In this case, restart the computer.
B’s CLiP
B’s CLiP is not compatible with fast user switching (the
icons disappear from the notification area). If you want
to continue using B’s CLiP after switching users, log off all users, and then relog on to Windows.
Do not remove the disk immediately after reading or writing, or just after the Windows reading/writing message disap-
is displayed on the notification area, the computer will not enter standby or hibernation.
Do not add the check mark for [Enable CD recording on this drive] in [Properties] - [Recording] of the CD/DVD drive, oth-
erwise you cannot write to the disk using B’s CLiP.
To access the online manual
B’s Recorder
Click [start] - [All Programs] - [B.H.A] - [B’s Recorder GOLD8 BASIC] - [DOC] - [User Manual] (user’s manual)
/ [TaskGate] (TaskGate manual).
B’s CLiP
Click [start] - [All Programs] - [B.H.A] - [B’s CLiP] - [User’s Manual].
When an external CD/DVD drive has been connected
Do not turn the CD/DVD drive power off on this computer when writing to a disk in an external CD/DVD drive using B’s
Recorder/B’s CLiP. Turning the power off may result in a malfunction, such as an interruption in the external CD/DVD
drive operation.
To format the disk
You have to format the disk before writing data onto it using B’s CLiP.
Cannot write to CD-R using B’s CLiP.
Usage Precautions
Using B’s Recorder/B’s CLiP to create a CD