Update Windows to its Latest Version
In an Internet-connected environment, execute the Windows Update, and use the latest Windows service pack or patch pro-
gram to update Windows on your computer to its latest version. This update is also an effective measure for preventing
viruses and other forms of computer attack.
In the default setting, the automatic Windows Update in the [Windows Security Center] has not been set. For details of the
Security Center’s automatic Update functions, refer to Window’s Help.
Update Windows
Log on to Windows as an administrator.
Click [start] - [All Programs] - [Windows Update].
Do not apply “Driver Updates” even if a message to update a driver appears. If a driver update is required, contact your tech-
nical support office.
Be sure to perform Windows Update after reinstallation.
How to confirm installed patch programs
Click [start] - [Control Panel] - [Add or Remove Programs], and add a check mark for [Show updates].
Some patch programs are not displayed.
Of the programs displayed, programs marked as “Hotfix” contain security-related patch programs. Be careful not to erase
these by mistake.