ION 7000 Overview
Power on the ION 7000
Connect the power cables to the ION device and plug the device power cable into an AC power
outlet. When you switch on the power, the device is powered on and the power indicator turns
Shut Down the ION 7000
Shut down the ION 7000 in the following ways:
Shut down using the Device Toolkit commands
Run the device toolkit command
debug shutdown
to shut down the device.
Ensure the device is physically accessible to turn it back on, before execung the
Shut down using the Power Switch
Press the power switch 5 mes (press and hold for 1 second, then, release) to shut down the
Reboot the ION 7000
Press the power switch 3 or 4 mes to reboot the ION 7000.
ION 7000 Hardware Reference
2021 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.