Before starting the assembly need to
1 Person
Philips Screwdriver
Assembly manual
Dear Customer
Th s product you have purchased has been subjected to all tests and controls by us before t reaches you. However, your product may have been
damaged dur ng transportat on or sh pped ncompletely. Therefore, t s useful to check the current product us ng the manual before start ng the
nstallat on. If you encounter a m ss ng or faulty object dur ng the check, define the object us ng the manual and contact our company. Our offic als
w ll prov de you w th the object you need as soon as poss ble. You do not need to return the faulty product to our company.
For a successful nstallat on, please prov de the aux l ary tools ment oned above.
Before you start, clean every ex st ng tem w th a damp cloth.
After clean ng the ex st ng parts, arrange them n a su table area accord ng to the r s ze. Meanwh le, be careful not to rub aga nst each other wh le
mov ng the p eces and not to h t the corner parts wh le arrang ng them.
Dur ng nstallat on, carefully rev ew all steps n the manual.
After the nstallat on process s completed, check the ntegr ty of all connect on po nts.
After the assembly, carry the product as 2 people.
Do not expose your product to d rect sunl ght. Keep away from hot and hum d env ronments. Pos t on your product appropr ately cons der ng
these ssues. In add t on, do not load the product w th heavy loads that may cause stretch ng and do not use t outs de of ts purpose.
You can contact our company about the top cs you are cur ous about.