350-819-200-01, Revision 01
Appendix A - Compatibility
HLU-819 List 1
November 12, 1999
A - C
The HLU-819 is compatible with the following T1 repeater shelves and
associated equipment:
PairGain Wideband System 3190 (HMS-357 and HMS-358)
PairGain HMS-317 (28-slot, 23-inch shelf)
PairGain HMS-308 (8-slot, 3192 mechanics, remote enclosure)
The UTU-814 List 1B is compatible with the following PairGain HiGain
ETSI shelves and enclosures.
EMS-830 Exchange Office Management Shelf, rear connector access
(part number 150-1400-01).
EMS-831 Exchange Office Management Shelf, front connector access
(part number 150-1401-01).
EMS-832 Exchange Office Management Shelf, front connector access
(part number 150-1402-01).
ERE-811 List 2 Single-Slot Remote Enclosure with internal ac power
supply (part number 150-1411-01).