Section 150-611-103
Revision 01
Page 8
is depressed, a YES message is displayed and the
chosen changes are installed. In either case the
display returns to its normal mode. The display also
returns to its normal mode, without installing any
new changes, if neither button is depressed for 30
All 14 user options can be set to their
default values by depressing the SEL button
for 6 seconds. When released, the message: “DFLT
NO” appears. To install the default values depress
the SEL button again. The “YES” will follow
indicating that the default values are now in effect.
To terminate this DFLT mode without reverting the
options to their default values, depress the MODE
button or do nothing for 30 seconds. The latter
returns the display to its normal state.
Depressing the MODE button for 3 or more
seconds causes the display to scroll through
the HLU’s software version number, its List #, the
type of frame pattern being received from the DSX-
1, the line code setting of the HLU and all 11 option
settings. See Table 9 for these additional
The following three user options must be set
with a dumb or smart terminal: CIRCUIT ID,
The CIRCUIT ID option is set by choosing
the “I” option from the dumb terminal’s main
menu shown in Figure 6. The message “enter
circuit ID #: 24 characters max” follows the “I”
selection hit the return key after entering the chosen
set of alpha-numeric ID characters. Then chose “C”
to confirm. Note if more than 24 characters are
entered, en error message appears. Simply delete
the excess characters and then hit the return key
once again. The ID appears in all HLU screens as
shown in Figures 6 through 13. The ID does not
appear on the HRU screens when the maintenance
port is accessed at the remote unit. Note that the
Circuit ID is not set to its default (all blanks) setting
when the DFLT setting option is utilized.
To set the DS0 BLOCKING option first
select the SYSTEMS SETTINGS (“D” choice)
from the main menu. The menu shown in Figure 8
appears. Now enter the letter “B” shown in
parenthesis of the DS0 blocking selection. The DS0
channels are blocked or unblocked by entering each
channel’s number. Multiple channels can be
selected by inserting a space between each entry.
After all the new settings have been made, enter “E”
for exit and then “C” for confirm. The new choices
are now installed. If DS0 blocking is invoked in a
HiGain-2 system that has an earlier HRU that does
not support the blocking option, blocking will only
occur at the DS1 output of the HLU. The HRU’s
DS1 output will not be blocked. Also, all blocked
channels are opened for all HiGain-2 loopback tests.
This allows the standard full bandwidth T1 loopback
tests to be performed.
select “G” from the system settings menu.
Enter the desired minimum acceptable alarm
threshold from the 0 to 15 dB range. This causes a
minor alarm to occur (see Paragraph 7.17) if the
margin on the VHDSL loop drops below the selected
threshold value. Since the margin can never drop
below 0, choosing ”0” for the margin threshold turns
the margin alarm off.
The other dumb terminal system settings
set in a similar manner. Simply enter the
letter in parenthesis of the parameter to be changed.
Each entry of this letter scrolls the parameter to its
next value, hit the enter key after each selection is
madeAfter all selections have been made, enter “E”
and then “C” to the resulting Confirm message. This
activates the new choices and returns control to the
main menu.
The SELF-TEST mode that occurs when the
VHDSL loop is not in sync includes the
input DS1 transceiver chip in the self test procedure.
This process can cause the AIS pattern, that is
normally transmitted from the HLU during these out
of sync intervals, to exhibit occasional BPVs.
HiGain-2 has a family of loopback options.
The most important of these is the Smart-
Jack loopback which enables the HRU-612 to
respond to the standard 2/3 in 5 Smart-Jack in-band
loopback codes. This option can be enabled or
disabled from either the front panel settings or the
dumb terminal system settings menu.
In addition to the Smart-Jack loopback,
HiGain-2 can be configured for one of five
special in-band loopback command sequences.
These are selected from the SPLB user option
shown in Table 2 and Figure 8. The loopback
locations are shown in Figure 5.