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LMX Series Power Source Operation Manual
Page 134 of 463
PULSE Transient Execution Modes
PULSE Transients can be executed as soon as they have been entered. To execute a
transient, the output
must be ON
PULSE transient execution is controlled from the PULSE EXECUTION screen. If no PULSE
transient data has been entered, no run mode soft key will be visible. In that case, you must
back up to the PULSE VALUES screen.
The PULSE EXECUTION screen is shown below.
For PULSE transients, there are three user settable parameters that control execution of the
transient sequence. They are:
P&W (0):
Programmed by Period & Width
P&D (1):
Programmed by Period & Duty Cycle
W&D (2):
Programmed by Width & Duty Cycle
Depending on the data entry mode selected, one of the data entry fields will be disabled
and calculated based on the other parameter settings.
Transients will be executed when the “Run” soft key (SK1) is pressed. If the output if
however, a message will appear indicating the output must be turned
The “Count” field determines how many pulses will be run. To run a sequence indefinitely or
until manually stopped, use the shuttle to scroll down to zero or enter zero in this field using
the keypad. This will set the repeat field to “Infinite”.
The following soft keys are available on the PULSE PROGRAM screen.
Run (SK1)
Starts the transient from the “Run from step#” row number
Pulse Values (SK2)
Displays the PULSE edit mode screen.
Load (SK3)
Converts PULSE transient definition to transient segments
Example (SK4)
Displays a graphical representation of the PULSE parameters
Back (SK5)
Returns to previous screen
Table 6-19: Available STEP PROGRAM screen soft keys