Inflating the Tire Tube
An unseated tire can rupture unexpectedly and cause
serious injury or death . Be sure the tire is properly
seated when inflating the tube.
Over inflation or inflating the tube too quickly may result
in the tire blowing off the rim and damage the bicycle
or cause injury to the rider . Always use a hand pump to
inflate the tube. Do not use a gas station service pump
to inflate the tube.
Follow these steps to inflate a tire:
1. Remove the valve cap .
2. Add air .
3. Be sure the tire is evenly seated on the rim,
both sides .
4. Spin the wheel and check for high and low areas .
5. Complete inflation.
6. Be sure the tire is evenly seated on the rim, both
sides. If not release some air and repeat steps three
through six .
7. Check for dirt in the valve cap or stem. If necessary,
clean dirt from cap or stem .
8. Securely replace the valve cap on the stem .