file:///C|/PACH-CO.COM-2022-B/online_manual/q7000ip_manual.htm[4/27/2022 8:54:57 AM]
11. Enter
0= no more additional time zone then press # and return to
to program another temporary code
1= add additional time zone then press # and return to
* = exit programming
Function Code 35 Temporary Card
The card will be expired after being used a certain amount of times specified (1-10 times) in the programming, Up to 10
temporary cards can be programmed
2. Enter 35 then #
3. Enter 0= delete 1= add then press #
4. Enter card 01-10 then press #
5. Present the card or fob in front of the black window, the system will register the card or fob 8-digit number printed
then press #
for keypad layout
6. Enter name and press #
7. Enter 1= relay 1(door 1), 2= relay 2 (door 2) or 3= both relay then press #
8. Enter time zone 1-3 then press #