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Neither P3 Cars, nor its
dealers or agents shall be
liable in any way, for any
damage, loss, injury or other
claims, resulting from the
installation or use of this
product. By purchasing or
installing this product, you
assume all liability of any
kind connected with the use
and/or application of this
product. If you are unsure
that you can safely install and
use this product, consult a
qualified installer or
mechanic. The warranty on
this product covers only the
product itself for a period of 6
months from the date of
purchase, and it will be at our
discretion to repair or replace
the affected parts. No user
serviceable parts inside.
Warranty will be voided if
product shows physical
After removing the vent from the car, and removing the trim from the vent, it will look like the
photo on the left. Using a flathead screwdriver, release the end of the slat holder on the side
furthest from the open/close roller.
Connect the bottom two slats using the supplied P3 vent slat connector. It is a small black
plastic piece that should have been taped to your VIDI display unit, your unit may contain
extra, you will only need one.
Remove the slats from the vent as shown. We will only be re-using the bottom 2 slats, so place the top
2 slats as well as the metal connector rod in a safe place in case you wish to return to stock.